Monsters cannot attack face-down Defense Position monsters, but can attack directly if all monsters their opponent controls are face-down Defense Position. All effect damage, and battle damage inflicted by monsters other than "Ghostrick" monsters, is hal
Latest Decks with Bujintei TsukuyomiSkillEnginesNotesTopPlacePlayerPrice Date Overlay Control — — hase 29.5k Jan 27, 2025 Overlay Control — — drspiders 40k Jan 1, 2025 Overlay Control — — Mike1998 39.5k Dec 11, 2024 Overlay Control — Ghrian 47k Nov 30, 2024 Overlay Control...
With Master Duel’s card crafting system, building a meta deck is relatively easy, and players can even run budget versions of these decks that require fewer Ultra Rare cards but are still just as deadly. Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel utilizes the Original Card Game or OCG rules, which means tha...
and the best deck changes month by month as new cards are added to the game. Since Master Duel’s launch in January 2022, several powerful archetypes have risen and fallen, with new top decks surging up to take their spots. This guide tracks the six Yugioh...
The cards are in your hand – now here’s what to do with them - Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is a complex game that throws you into the arena with barely a word ...
Master Duel meta deckshas all you need to know to push through to platinum rank in Konami’s latest game. Whether it’s through the undead might of Eldlich and his companions, or the summoning prowess of the Virtual World set, these decks pack an almighty punch without relying on the hea...
Duel Commander METAGAME BREAKDOWN 751 decks Aragorn, King Of Gondor 114.5‰ Partner WR 61.3‰ Atraxa, Grand Unifier 58.6‰ Phelia, Exuberant Shepherd 49.3‰ Glarb, Calamity's Augur 42.6‰ Partner WUBG 39.9‰ Ketramose, the New Dawn
Also, for those playing Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel on a budget, many Tri-Brigade cards are lower rarities, making this one of the best meta decks for free-to-play users as key cards are easier to craft or pull from booster packs. For the best chance of pulling the cards you need, you’...
Master Duelmeta. Recommended Videos Which deck should you use? Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duelhas a lot of decks that stand above the rest. For instance, the Kashtira archetype can set up a board that forces every card sent to the graveyard. The meta of theMaster Duelchanges with each new archet...
Master Duel Meta has the best, most competitive information about the game. We post news, leaks, decks, tier lists, tournaments, guides, reviews and event reports!