Metacomes from the Greekprefixandprepositionmeta, which means “after” or “beyond.” When combined with words in English,meta-often signifies “change” or “alteration” as in the wordsmetamorphicormetabolic. The prefixmeta-is notably used inmetaphysics, a form of which is recorded in the 14...
hand you make it easier for people coming from different backgrounds to find familiar methods, but on another you also confuse people a bit, as it’s not obvious that the different names are aliases. I’ve seen plenty of people asking what’s the difference betweeninjectandreduceand so on....
Tell me about a time you had to make a quick decision. Tell me about a time a project took longer as expected. Tell me about a situation where two teams couldn’t agree on a path forward. Describe a situation when you made a mistake, and what you learned from it. ...
means slower speech rate (default to 1.0). See expressive evaluation README for details on duration factor we used.expressivity_evaluate${TEST_SET_TSV}\ --gated-model-dir${MODEL_DIR}--task s2st --tgt_lang${TGT_LANG}\ --audio_root_dir""--output_path${OUTPUT_DIR}--ref_field${TGT_...
Using biomass estimation as a reliable yield indicator, space-based monitoring of crops can assist in mitigating these stresses by providing reliable product information. Research has been conducted to estimate crop biophysical parameters by destructive and non-destructive approaches. In particular, ...
GOA draws inspiration from mature grasshoppers’ behavior, which involves both long-range and abrupt movements, reflecting the exploration phase, as well as nearby hops to seek better food sources, symbolizing the exploitation phase. What sets GOA apart is its ability to address shortcomings without...
I was eager to find out what happens in browsers that don’t support themediaattribute. I’ve created ademo page for testing dark modethat includes the meta tags above and also allows you to install the site as a PWA. Thewebmanifest.jsonincludes another color definition for the theme-color...
Some people incorrectly use the robots.txt file as an alternative to the noindex directive because of a misconception that it will prevent a page from being indexed. Adding a page to the robots.txt file typically results in disallowing crawling, not indexing. This means that crawlers can still...
This is a welcome increase in expressivity, as indeed the version of the C standard library and compiler are very distinct things (as for other languages as well...), but with the substantial downside that no recipes are using this functionality yet. This means we have to add this function...
;; Anything candidates can be a list of `(DISPLAY . REAL)’ pairs, so ;; we throw the name up front to serve as the `DISPLAY’ component." (defun* project-create (name &key root (indexed-files project-default-filetypes)) "Add a project to the list or projects." ...