StataNow Fisher'szz-transformed correlation Raw correlation Generic (precomputed) effect sizes Transformed effect sizes such as correlations and efficacies Different methods for zero-cells adjustment with binary data Update declared meta-analysis settings at any time ...
6.3 留一元分析 Leave-one-out meta-analysis 留一元分析的语法规则:作为后缀选项 加在summarize后的示例: clear alluse in 1/10meta query, shortmeta summarize, leaveoneout sort(se) 加在summarize后的输出结果: 加在森林图后的示例: clear alluse ...
2.3 stata配对数据格式 pairwisedata 3.Installation of the STATA routines 安装STATA For the routines that produce the presented graphs: net fromHOME - Multiple-Treatments Meta-Analysis net install network_graphs, replace To see the help files for any routine type help and the name of the command....
by is allowed with metandi; see [D] by.See metandi postestimation for features available after estimation, in particular, the predict command. metandiplot graphs the results from metandi.Description metandi performs meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies in which both the index test under...
题目:Proenkephalin as a biomarker correlates with acute kidney injury: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis 生物标志物脑啡肽原与急性肾损伤的相关性:荟萃分析和试验序贯分析的系统综述 杂志:Critical Care 影响因子:IF=15.1...
step 7:安装完成后,在command(命令窗口)输入ssc install metan命令,安装metan,重启软件。点击菜单栏user(用户)—出现Meta-Analysis,点击里面任意一个可以打开新窗口即说明已经成功安装。(图15-17) 图15:在command(命令窗口)输入ssc install metan命令,安装metan,重启软件。
我安装的是14版本的,按照stata安装meta analysis大神的方法,可以顺利装上meta analysis,但是只能用metan,其他的一点都是 command metabias is unrecognized 然后按照另一位大神所说输入 ssc install metabias 不行!!就是装不了!!(这里我已经崩溃了,没有截图,大意是:你已经有了,无法安装,好像是r602) ...
在STATA软件命令窗口输入”run c:\ado\plus\”命令,即可在STATA软件的user菜单下自动生成一个”Meta-Analysis”的菜单。 1.3 STATA软件操作界面介绍 工具栏 结果窗口 命令窗口 变量窗口 回顾窗口 STATA软件主界面 如果软件没有显示全这些界面,可参考下面的快捷方式: ctrl+1,显示命令窗口 ctrl+3,显示...
metamiss performs meta-analysis with binary outcomes when some or all studies have missing data. 40. sem and gsemDescribes how to fit fixed- and random-effects meta-analysis models using the sem and gsem commands, introduced in Stata 12 and 13 respectively, for structural equation modeling. ...