a single numerical estimate” 《The Cochrane Library》 “A systematic review that uses quantitative methods to summarize the results” David Sackett 6 2015/11/13 Meta分析的定义 Meta分析(meta-analysis)是应用统计学方法对相同研 究目的、相互独立的多个研究的结果进行定量统计 合成的过程和方法。
Anticoagulation regimens during pregnancy in patients with mechanical heart valves a systematic review and meta-analysis 热度: Efficacyandsafetyoftigecycline:asystematicreview andmeta-analysis DafnaYahav 1,2 *,AdiLador 1,2 ,MicalPaul 2,3
不看的原因 确定 内容质量低 不看此公众号 【口袋字典】Evaluation——评估 【口袋字典】Evaluation——评估 ... 口袋OT 不喜欢 不看的原因 确定 内容质量低 不看此公众号 Science封面文章--种间竞争限制了热带山区鸟类的活动范围 Science封面文章--种...
流行病学EpidemiologyMetaSystematic Review and Meta-analysis 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
A systematic review with meta-analysis is a comprehensive synthesis of evidence on a specific topic, where review procedures are clearly reported to minimize bias. It involves combining data from multiple studies to increase generalizability, although caution is needed due to potential heterogeneity among...
The effects of virtual reality training on function in chronic stroke patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Biomed Res Int. 2019;2019:7595639. Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Maggio MG, Russo M, Cuzzola MF, Destro M, La Rosa G, Molonia F, et al. Virtual reality...
Biomass allocation in plants is fundamental for understanding and predicting terrestrial carbon storage. Yet, our knowledge regarding warming effects on root: shoot ratio (R/S) remains limited. Here, we present a meta-analysis encompassing more than 300
The Montreal consensus recognizes chronic cough as an extra-esophageal manifestation of gastroesophageal reflux disease. We performed a meta-analysis to assess the effects of acid-suppressive medications in adults with non-specific chronic cough. The pro
Haplotype analysis suggests that there may be an interaction between the two sites, with a lower risk of asthma associated with the Glu27 allele (compared with Gln27), and that this risk is modified by the allele at position 16. 展开 ...
We therefore conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the efficacy and safety of HZV in the renal population, defined as CKD, dialysis, and transplant population. Materials and Methods This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted according to a prespecified protocol ...