【SSCI论文笔记】 Hi大家,今天给大家分享一篇发表在Mass Communication and Society的文章,A Meta-Analytical Review of the Determinants of Social Media Discontinuance Intentions,作者Dr. Feng来自香港浸会大学。Meta-analysis适合主流research methods是survey或者experiment的领域;而且,在领域内,学者们对各种variables的定...
Hi大家,今天给大家分享一篇发表在Mass Communication and Society的文章,A Meta-Analytical Review of the Determinants of Social Media Discontinuance Intentions,作者Dr. Feng来自香港浸会大学。Meta-analysis适合主流research methods是survey或者experiment的领域;而且,在领域内,学者们对各种variables的定义和measurements都...
图1 医学证据金字塔 以别人的文章Primary Sjögren's syndrome is associated with increased risk of malignancies besides lymphoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis为例。(此文可在PubMed、web of science 上免费下载,以下以第一人称叙述。) 图2 文章截图(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autrev.2022.103084...
笔者以2016年发表于Clinical Lung Cancer的一篇题为“Effect of CombinedTherapy Inhibiting EGFR and VEGFR Pathways in Non-Small-cell Lung Cancer on Progression-free and Overall Survival”[1]的论文为例,详细描述运用Review Manager(version 5.3...
Meta-Analysis : A Review [ J ]. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1991,53 (3) : 247-271.Meta-analysis: a review. Rosenthal R. Psychosomatic Medicine . 1991Rosenthal, R. (1991). Meta analysis: A review. Psychosomatic Medicine, 53, 247-271.
系统性综述(systematic review)是一种整合和总结现有研究的方法,通过系统地收集、筛选和评估相关研究的结果,旨在回答特定的研究问题。系统性综述的目的是提供全面准确的证据,以支持决策制定、指导实践和指示进一步的研究。 荟萃分析(meta-analysis)是对系统性综述中所收集研究结果的合并和统计分析的方法。通过组合多个独立...
Meta-analysis是用统计的概念与方法,去收集、整理与分析之前学者专家针对某个主题所做的众多实证研究,希望能够找出该问题或所关切的变量之间的明确关系模式,可弥补传统的Review Articles(文献综述)的不足。与单个研究相比,通过整合所有相关研究,可更精准地估计医疗卫生保健的效果,并有利于探索各研究证据的一致性及研究间...
从名字应该也能看出,写Meta分析文章无非就是一个Systematic Review和Meta analysis的过程。 那什么是Systematic Review系统评价呢? 简单而言,就是指针对某一具体临床问题(如疾病的病因、诊断、治疗、预后、护理等),系统、全面地收集现有已发表论文或未发表的临床研究,...
On the basis of a meta-analysis of 452 experiments across the globe, we show that productivity increases on average by 15.2% from monocultures to species mixtures with an average species richness of 2.6; net biodiversity effects are stronger in grassland and forest experiments and weaker in ...
ReviewMeta Analysis Test: Reviewer ParticipationApril 27th, 2016 At ReviewMeta, we look for patterns beyond the reviews themselves by looking at the data that we gather from the reviewers themselves. Our Reviewer Participation test examines the history of all the reviewers of a given product and...