l题目:Impact of insulin sensitization on metabolic and fertility outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and overweight or obesity—A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression l胰岛素增敏剂对多囊卵巢综合征和超重或肥胖妇女代谢和生育结局的影响:一项系统综述、荟萃分析和荟萃回归 l杂志...
采用随机效应meta-regression分析,评估了Trp(g)与TST(h)、WASO(min)、SL(min)和SE(%)之间的剂量依赖关系。剂量依赖回归系数总结在表3中。 Trp与TST、WASO、SL和SE的meta-regression相关系数在下图显示。Trp的用量与WASO的变化值呈反向关联(-81.03分钟/ g; P = 0.017),其他睡眠质量结果没有发现关联。 3.剂量...
在Meta分析时,需分析各研究间的异质性,并对 异质性的来源进行探讨 ,Meta回归 (meta—regression)分析可评价研究间异质性的大小及来源。一般认为,Meta回归分析是亚组分析的一种扩大,主要通过对多因素的效应量进行联合分析实现,仅当Meta分析纳入的研究数量在10个以上...
224 0 01:16 App Stata 18新命令介绍—ivqregression 810 0 09:58 App Stata软件教程--Meta-analysis_in_Stata 465 0 01:04 App Stata 18新命令介绍—Lasso 136 0 01:19 App Stata 18新命令介绍—stintcox 160 0 01:15 App Stata 18新命令介绍—wildbootstrap 237 0 01:10 App Stata 18中鲁棒推断...
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Meta分析文章题目是:《The effects of artificial- and stevia-based sweeteners on lipid profile in adults: a GRADE-assessed systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of randomized clinical trials》,(PROSPERO注册号:CRD42021250025)本项Meta分析研究探索了人工甜味剂和甜菊糖甜味剂对脂质谱标记物的...
the results obtained from testing datasets were used for the meta-analysis and meta-regression. Some studies did not specify the training dataset and testing dataset, and in this case, all samples were extracted (5 studies...
A meta-epidemiological study of studies including aggregate data meta-regression analysis in the years 2002 and 2012. We assessed the prevalence of meta-regression analyses with at least 1 of 3 pitfalls: ecological fallacy, overfitting, and inappropriate methods to regress treatment effects against the...
meta regression analysis是一种可以量化系统变异的方法,在数据分析中,通过线性回归模型来探究不同自变量对因变量的影响。在进行回归分析时,需要考虑到每个原始研究的权重(样本大小和研究品质),选择合适的回归模型来分析数据。 最后是结果的解释和评估。在meta regression analysis的结果评价中,常常会使用Forest plot来展示...
the results obtained from testing datasets were used for the meta-analysis and meta-regression. Some studies did not specify the training dataset and testing dataset, and in this case, all samples were extracted (5 studies). If a study included more than one testing dataset to test the classi...