Meta 声称 Quest v62 更新优化了 Air Link 的功耗,使会话长度延长了 50% 以上。在 2 月初开始推出的 Quest v62 更新中,Meta 对 Quest Link(最初称为 Oculus Link)进行了许多改进,这是一项内置功能,可让 Quest 头显充当 PCVR 头显,无论是通过 USB 电缆还是通过 Wi-Fi 网络(称为 Air Link)。在...
允许用户通过 Wi-Fi 将 Oculus Quest 2 无线连接到 PC 的 Air Link 功能不是很好,但在 Meta Quest Pro 上却差很多。值得庆幸的是,根据 Meta 无线总监的说法,这一切都应该在下一次更新中改变。如果您想使用Meta Quest Pro在 PC 上玩最好的 VR 游戏,您有两种选择;您可以购买 Oculus Link 电缆,也可以...
GET Will respond with: {"url":"","favicon":"","title":"Ryan Florence on Twitter","description"...
Describe the bug 使用clash内核不打开tun模式可以正常使用,使用clash.meta内核必须要打开tun模式才能使用 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Go to '...' Click on '...' Scroll down to '...' See error Expected behavior A clear and concise descripti
(映维网Nweon 2022年09月30日)传闻已久的Quest 2无线加密狗终于确认。日前,D-Link正式上线了VR Air Bridge DWA-F18的产品页面。不过,这家公司尚未公布具体售价和发售日期,但预计Meta会在Connect大会揭晓相关信息。 原则上,Quest 2不需要加密狗都可以通过WLAN路由器接到PC。但是,VR流式传输体验可能会因家庭网络的...
(映维网Nweon2022年09月30日)D-Link已经正式上线了Quest2无线加密狗VR Air Bridge DWA-F18的产品页面。不过,这家公司尚未公布具体售价和发售日期,但预计Meta会在Connect大会揭晓相关信息。 对于这款产品,著名情报人士YouTuber布拉德利·林奇同样有所探讨。其中,他表示Air Bridge加密狗不仅能够优化从游戏PC到Met...
Subwavelength diffractive optics known as meta-optics have demonstrated the potential to significantly miniaturize imaging systems. However, despite impressive demonstrations, most meta-optical imaging systems suffer from strong chromatic aberrations, li
You have full access to this open access chapter,Download chapter PDF The aggregation of cells into complex organisms is considered a new form of life, although it’s really just the result of the aggregation of other lifeforms. This makes sense though: when cells reached their cognitive limit...
Particular care was taken to assemble the stack lens-sample-lens without any air gap, pressing on the assembly with metallic positioners. In the best conditions, the resolution was 18 GHz (corresponding to a time scan length of 55 ps), limited by the reflection from the detector. If ...
Meta loves to upgrade its hardware with extra features, andthe Ray-Ban smart glasses that I found to be very impressiveare getting a big AI update starting today. Lives=treaming capabilities are also expanding. New features are great, but if you couldn’t find a style you liked when the ...