>yt-dlp.py -vU https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=660804702669669 [debug] Command-line config: ['-vU','https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=660804702669669'] [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs utf-8, pref cp1252, out utf-8, error utf-8, screen utf-8 [debug] yt-...
完成对接后,您无需登陆Facebook或在应用中接入Facebook SDK,即可进行移动归因。请按下文所述的基础设置步骤说明进行操作,完成后可以进一步了解Meta ads的高阶设置选项。 Facebook 应用 ID 在AppsFlyer中配置Meta ads对接之前,首先需要创建并获取Facebook App ID。 请按以下步骤创建Facebook App ID: 从Meta ads后台...
Meta ads中默认的点击归因窗口期是7天,浏览归因窗口期是1天,这也是Meta ads中最长的可用窗口期。 如果您在AppsFlyer中设置的窗口期比Meta ads短,那么AppsFlyer归因给Meta ads的转化就会减少。但同时也没有必要在AppsFlyer中设置比Meta ads更长的归因窗口,因为Meta ads不会将发生在其归因窗口之后的激活归给自己。 因...
Meta广告库是一个由Meta官方推出的免费广告库,需要Facebook账号才能查询数据,但是Meta广告资料库 (https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/)没有具体广告数据,如播放、点赞等数据,你只能用它来查找竞品,没法找到更多其他类型数据,而Pipiads的Facebook广告资料库却能让你没有障碍地查找到任何广告数据,并且有源广告...
Access Meta Ad Library one of two ways: Directly enter the URL facebook.com/ads/library into your browser, or scroll to the “Page transparency” section on a specific Facebook page. Does the Meta Ad Library show all ads? No, Ad Library does not show all ads. Ad Library only shows ...
The Meta (Facebook) pixel is an analytics tool that allows you to measure the effectiveness of your advertising by understanding the actions people take on your website. You can use pixel data to: Make sure your ads are being shown to the right people Build advertising audiences Unlock ...
Meta Ads Formats Meta Ads uses a range of formats for marketers and advertisers to drive traffic, this includes the following: 1. Image ads You can choose to use a single image ad or use carousel, collection, slideshow or Instant Experience to advertise with multiple images and video. ...
自动记录的purchase事件不能统计到第三方支付,所以有这方面需要的建议关掉自动统计的purchase,只用标准purchase事件。 Facebook Standard Events&Parameters:Reference - App Events (facebook.com) 三:FB developer与ads manager关联: 在developer后台加入广告账户,如果有APP的权限这步也可以不做发布...
could be signup, subscription, purchase, etc. By tracking conversions, you can tell Facebook that X visitor has completed specific actions that align with your business goals. With this information, you can also deduce which ads are more effective in reaching your goals and which ones aren’...
In this section, learn how to promote your app across Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook Audience Network. In Meta Ads Manager, choose the ad account associated with your app. Select Create to create a new campaign. Choose App promotion as the campaign objective. Choose the appropriate campaign...