: to come into the presence of for the first time : to be introduced to or become acquainted with I'm pleased to meet you. Where did you two meet each other? I met him in college. We met her through a mutual friend. b : to come together with especially at a particular time ...
: to come into the presence of for the first time : to be introduced to or become acquainted with I'm pleased to meet you. Where did you two meet each other? I met him in college. We met her through a mutual friend. b : to come together with especially at a particular time ...
Definition of met with in the Idioms Dictionary. met with phrase. What does met with expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.
with(3. A. met C.or B. meet()4. A. Sam's and Amy's C. meat B. Sam and Amy's( C. Sam's and Amy)5. A. see B.saw C.bought()6. A. bought B.buy C.drop()7. A.on B.in C.by(✉0C)8. A. drop B. drops C. dropped()9. A.am B. is C.was()10. A. run...
Get precise microclimate analysis and simulation with ENVI-met's high-resolution 3D modeling software, perfect for climate adaptation and sustainable urban planning.
解析 an; an 该句子考查固定搭配和连词的使用。 "met with an accident" 和 "by accident" 都是固定搭配,分别表示“遇到事故”和“偶然地”。 由于 "accident" 是可数名词,需要加冠词 "an"。 此外,"either...or..." 连接两个并列成分,表示选择。 因此,正确答案为 "an; an"。
A Phase 3b Study of 1L Savolitinib in Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic NSCLC Harboring MET Exon 14 Mutation 中文标题:赛沃替尼一线治疗伴MET外显子14突变局部晚期或转移性NSCLC的ⅢB期研究 摘要号:OA21.03 讲者:陆舜(上海交...
I met my husband.
Months ago, I met with an ol d acquaintance of mine, Kim, at a yog a studio. She looke d great, an d we felt surprise d at how quickly three years went by. Three! We remembere d talking an d laughing together at a friend's party in the spring of 2015.I aske d how the c...
METCASE’s premium TECHNOMET desktop/portable instrument enclosures can now be specified with or without a sloping front for easier viewing. Highly attractive TECHNOMET is ideal for medical and wellness devices, industrial control, test and measurement, peripheral devices and interfaces, switchboxes, ...