The original case was brought by a disabled black woman police officer, known as Ms P against the Metropolitan Police. She claimed discrimination because of her disability during a disciplinary and misconduct hearing. She had previously been assaulted and was then involved in an incident which led...
In his letter,Sir Marksuggested legal changes over the way self-defence is interpreted in police misconduct cases, the introduction of a criminal standard of proof for unlawful killing in inquests and inquiries, and changes to the threshold at which the IOPC can launch...
"We have now decided that two officers have cases to answer for gross misconduct and should face a hearing where a police disciplinary panel will decide whether the gross misconduct allegations are proven." Read more: Braverman backs police to ramp up use of stop and sea...
In his subm i s s ion t o t he inquiry Commissioner Sir John Stevens said it was "scandalous" investigations into alleged police misconduct were hampered by bureaucratic processes, some dating back to the Indian Mutiny. 鈥JUSTIN DAVENPORT...
The Black Caucus has pointed to the losses in potential tax revenue due to racist practices, as well as the massive settlements cities pay out each year due to police misconduct, as the cost of not passing their legislation. The amendment as written does not provide law enforcement agencies an...
THE police officer whose baton strike and push led to the death of Ian Tomlinson was today sacked after being found guilty of gross misconduct.Bentham, Martin
The mother of two sisters murdered in Wembley has called on the Metropolitan Police to "get the rot out once and for all " after officers took photos of their bodies and shared them on WhatsApp. PC Deniz Jaffer 47, and PC Jamie Lewis, 3...