2.Y. Wu, J. Zhao, J. Hu,etc.388P - Capmatinib in Chinese adults with EGFR wt, ALK rearrangement negative (ALK-R−), MET exon 14 skipping mutation (METex14), advanced NSCLC: Results from the phase II GEOMETRY-C study[J].ESMO Asia Congress 2022.3. 牛娜.非小细胞肺癌 MET基因...
[1].Gow CH, Hsieh MS, Wu SG, et al. A comprehensive analysis of clinical outcomes in lung cancer patients harboring a MET exon 14 skipping mutation compared to other driver mutations in an East A sian population. Lung Cancer, 2017, 103: 82-89. [2].Liu X , Jia Y, Stoopler M B,...
[3] Gow CH, Hsieh MS, Wu SG, et al. A comprehensive analysis of clinical outcomes in lung cancer patients harboring a MET exon 14 skipping mutation compared to other driver mutations in an East Asian population[J...
[2]Marks J, Yin J, Halmos B, et al. MA05. 08 MET Exon 14 Skipping Mutation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) by Specific Mutation, Histology, and Smoking History[J]. Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2022, 17(...
[3] Jurgen W, et al. Updated results from GEOMETRY mono-1 confirm capmatinib as an effective first-line treatment for MET exon 14-mutated advanced NSCLC. ELCC 2022; Poster 26. [4] PfeifferBM, et al. Tepotinib and Capmatinib in Patients with MET exon 14 Skipping NSCLC: A Matching Adjust...
在我们认真阅读基因检测报告时,相信会经常看到错义突变、移码突变、截短突变等耳熟能详的基因变异类型。然而,当初次发现变异类型为MET 14号外显子跳跃突变(MET exon 14 skipping,下称MET 14跳突)的时候,你很可能会感到很新颖,基因还有跳跃突变呢?然后一连串的问题,陷入茫然,跳跃突变是啥啊?可以用靶向药吗... ...
2023年10月,Drug Target Insights杂志发表了一篇题为《Optimal treatment for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with MET exon 14 skipping mutation》的文章,这篇病例报告详细介绍了一位罹患携带METex14突变的转移性NSCLC,并检测出高PD-L1表达(肿瘤比例得分≥50%)的86岁老年男性患者。该患者接受了...
[14]Eun Kyung Kim et al. Molecular diagnostic assays and clinicopathologic implications of MET exon 14 skipping mutation in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Clinical Lung Cancer, 2018, 20(1) : e123-e132. [15]Huy Gia Vuong et al. CLINICOPATHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF MET EXON 14 MUTATIONS IN ...
2024年欧洲肺癌大会 (ELCC) 于3月20日-23日在布拉格召开,3月20日Mini Oral专场中,中南大学湘雅医学院附属肿瘤医院张永昌教授带来了赛沃替尼一线、后线治疗MET ex14突变局部晚期或转移性NSCLC的Ⅲb期确证性研究的最终结果(NCT04923945,摘要号1MO),为MET ex14突变NSCLC一线及后线靶向治疗带来临床信心[1]。「肿瘤...
Objectives MET exon 14 skipping is a potentially targetable molecular alteration. The goals of this study were to identify patients treated in British Columbia with MET exon 14 skipping to understand prevalence, biology and response to treatment, and to identify molecular signatures that may predict ...