1908 Messina earthquake and tsunamiactive faulttsunami sourcetsunami modelingThe 1908 Messina tsunami was the most catastrophic tsunami hitting the coastline of Southern Italy in the younger past. The source of this tsunami, however, is still heavily debated, and both rupture along a fault and a ...
earthquake parameters[1] We carry out a nonlinear joint inversion of P wave first-motion polarities and coseismic surface displacement data of the 1908 Messina earthquake. We model the earthquake using a single planar fault: Slip is at first assumed to be uniform across the whole fault, then ...
The analysis of coeval reports allowed us to reconstruct the seismic history of the city and to obtain a homogeneous earthquake site catalogue based on intensity assessed by the European Macroseismic Scale 1998. In the last 1200 years Messina was destroyed once (1908, intensity X-XI EMS) and ...
on December 28, 1908: because of the number of victims (about 60,000) and the extension of the destroyed area (6,000 km 2 ), this earthquake with the epicentral MCS intensity XI may be considered the strongest event ever reported for Italy along with the 1693 eastern Sicily earthquake. ...
A city of northeast Sicily, Italy, on theStrait of Messina,a channel separating Sicily from mainland Italy. Founded in the eighth centurybcby Greek colonists, Messina was decimated by the plague in 1743 and suffered severe earthquakes in 1783 and 1908. The strait's rocks, currents, and whirlp...
The 28 December 1908 Messina Straits earthquake (Mw 7.1): A great earthquake throughout a century of seis- mology, Seismol. Res. Lett., 80, 243-259; doi:10.1785/gssrl. 80.2.243.Pino, N. A., A. Piatanesi, G. Valensise, and E. Boschi (2009). The 28 De- cember 1908 Messina ...
The earthquake and the tsunami that occurred on December 28, 1908, the epicenter of the Strait of Messina, located at the southern end of Italy, became a complete disaster for the region's people. The region was severely damaged by the earthquake in the morning, and the tsun...
In this contribution we will put our attention on the December 28, 1908 earthquake generated tsunami, which was the last catastrophic event of this kind to have hit the Italian coasts. The parent earthquake had an estimated M7.2 magnitude and produced catastrophic effects in an area as large ...
documents, i.e., technical and photographic reports, newspapers, and other archive material, of the 1908, M 7.1, Messina–Reggio Calabria earthquake has allowed to recognize and classify a large number (365) of independent environmental effects of the earthquake and the subsequent tsunami. The...
tsunamiOne hundred years ago (December 1908) a devastating tsunami associated with an earthquake struck the Straits of Messina area, causing many casualties. On the basis of seismic data and observed runups and arrival times, we suggest that the tsunami was likely generated by coseismic seafloor ...