Mal Couch, asked Zola and me if we would like to work with him in producing a film about our book. We agreed, and we soon left for Israel. We spent three weeks there produc- ing the film, The Temple. During the next few years that film was shown in a multitude of churches ...
"The destruction of the Jerusalem temple and cessation of the sacrificial worship in AD 70 made little difference to Jewish life in the dispersion. The debate between the disciples and the synagogue authorities reached a critical stage around AD 90, when one of the prayers in the synagogue serv...
he saw that it had fallen open to the third chapter of the book of the prophet Malachi, which begins, "Behold I send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom ye seek shall suddenly come to his temple, even the Angel of the Covenant whom ye delight in...
Today, in Jewish and Messianic communities, the concept of feasting on Shabbat has evolved from these simple pleasures into a communalShabbat Oneg(Sabbath Delight)meal after services. Ensuring that the mitzvah of not working / creating on Shabbat is kept, congregants bring hot food in slow cookers...
“The prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.”(Daniel 10:13) Daniel persisted in prayer and the angel persisted in warfare. ...
Some believe it is in defiance to the near genocide of an entire race of Jews that the Star of David was officially adopted into the flag of the reborn State of Israel in 1948, a symbol that Am Yisrael Chai — The People of Israel Live!
In the last several years alone, parts of Jerusalem, including theTemple Mount, have been claimed as the heritage of a “displaced Palestinian people”—or as a central holy place to the Islamic religion, completely detached from Jewish connection. ...
The current structure is also thought by some to preserve what remains of Yeshua’s tomb, which prior to Constantine had been buried by the Roman emperor Hadrian, who erected a pagan temple there after the Bar Kokhba Revolt against Roman domination of Israel (AD 132–136). ...