Jewish man sounding the shofar on Rosh Hashanah at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem. Today is one of the holiest days of the Jewish year: Rosh HaShanah (Head of the Year)—the beginning of the Jewish year 5785. Whatever day of the week this holy day falls upon, it is considered...
This includes a time for prayer and sharing of answered prayers, studying of the weekly Parashah and a time where the congregation comes together for a Shabbat meal. You are encouraged to come and be part of our congregation. If you have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people, if you ...
The dates of Jewish holidays don’t change from year to year; however, a Jewish year can change in length from 353 to 354 or 355 days long. A nd a Jewish leap year can be 383, 384 or 385 days long. Because the Jewish year is not the same length as the year on the civil calend...
Messianic Siddur for Shabbat (Review) This Messianic Siddur covers the service, blessings and prayers most applicable to followers of Messiah Yeshua while maintaining traditional Jewish liturgy. Complete Jewish Study Bible (Review) The Complete Jewish Study Bible is a valuable resource for followers of...
Exactly forty years after David Ben Gurion declared Israel’s independence, a group of Messianic Jewish pioneers organized a conference in Jerusalem over the Shavuot (Pentecost holiday) weekend of May 20-22, 1988. The 40th anniversary of Israel’s independence had been celebrated a week earlier, ...
[he means Gentile and Jewish] worldwide should be keeping the JewishShabbat,festivals, and kosher laws, among other things. [This belief was completely mirrored in the pre-1986 Worldwide Church of God, very interestingly.] In short, for them the Messianic synagogue is living a "more ...
During the Shabbat Service, we include appropriate elements from traditional Jewish Services, including liturgical prayers and reading from the Hebrew Scriptures (Torah), with Messianic praise, worship, and dance as we are led by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit. Then our congregation leader, ...
One of the wonderful things about the Jewish people is their coming together as one to worship God through traditional liturgy during Shabbats and the Biblical Festivals. Therefore, their ancient Jewish prayers often include“Our Father.”
In a Messianic congregation, Rabbis often bless children during the Shabbat service as adults hold atallit(prayer shawl) above them. Jewish families traditionally bless their children shortly after arriving home from their Friday night prayers at the synagogue. ...
On Friday night just before sundown, Jewish families mark the Shabbat with a special candle-lighting ceremony. Following that, most families recite prayers over wine and challah (braided egg bread). Israel Reunites with Judah The theme of this wonderful story of Joseph’s reconciliation with his...