Last week, in Parasha Bamidbar, a census was taken of the Israelite men of draftable age. The Levites who were given the duty to serve in the Sanctuary in the place of Israel’s firstborn, were excluded from military servi. The title of this week’s Parasha,Naso, meanslift uporeleva...
The historic quarter of Byblos, a Canaanite city called Gubal during the Bronze Age and Gebal in the Iron Age that is mentioned in Psalm 83. Byblos is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world and is today a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Ten-Member Coalition Wh...
Apple Vision Requires visionOS 1.0 or later. Languages English Age Rating 4+ Copyright © BibleAll Price USD 5.99 Developer Website App Support Privacy Policy Supports Family Sharing Up to six family members can use this app with Family Sharing enabled.More...
The parishioners now depend on the Messianic Bible Reading Plans to perform prayers at home. The individual small groups and those verses come as an Messianic B…
1.(Bible) (sometimes capital)Bible a.of or relating to the Messiah, his awaited deliverance of the Jews, or the new age of peace expected to follow this b.of or relating to Jesus Christ or the salvation believed to have been brought by him ...
While Shabbat was given to the Jews, and no other nation as a sign of the covenant (Exodus 31), it is however, pleasing to God when non Jews choose it on their own free-will. (see Isaiah 56). However, Apostolic teaching has made it clear, that in the current age, "olam hazeh,...
sometimes capital Bible of or relating to the Messiah, his awaited deliverance of the Jews, or the new age of peace expected to follow this of or relating to Jesus Christ or the salvation believed to have been brought by him of or relating to any popular leader promising deliverance or an...
Olympic multi-gold medal swimmer, Michael Phelps started training at the age of 7, but his coach knew habits—not skills alone—would be the driver of his success. So, Phelps’s coach built a series of activities before every race designed to give him a sense of building victory. On the...
The true Christian church of the Lords' Witnesses is decoding the bible and supports Messianic Judaism.
The precious stones embedded in the foundations of the New Jerusalem(Revelation 21:19–20)also represent the 12 tribes. From this we can understand that Israel retains foundational importance in the Messianic Age. Reserve your free bible now ...