To everyone’s amazement, this simple carpenter, son of Joseph, then rolled up the scroll and sat down, saying, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:21) A young ultra-Orthodox Jewish man prays at the Western (Wailing) Wall in Jerusalem....
Life is so short, often it comes to an end before we are aware of it. In the meantime we have run from one side to the other, made contact with a lot of people but also lost contact with lots of people. We have to number our days and make the best out of them. When we wait...
“Joseph, son of David,” the angel said, “do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife. For the child within her was conceived by the Holy Spirit. 21 And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus,[b] for he will save his people from their sins.”...
Jesus of Nazareth, the son of God raised by a Jewish carpenter. Based on the gospel of Luke in the New Testament, here is the life of Jesus from the miraculous virgin birth to the calling of his disciples, public miracles and ministry, ending with his death by crucifixion at the hands ...
24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. The Magi Visit the Messiah 2 After Jesus was born in Bethl...
Mashiach ben Yossef(Mashiach the descendant of Joseph) of the tribe of Ephraim (son of Joseph), is also referred to asMashiach ben Ephrayim, Mashiach the descendant of Ephraim. He will come first, before the final redeemer, and later will serve as his viceroy. ...
Joseph Accepts Jesus as His Son 18This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit.
felt to be too great a homage to the plain interpretation of the prophetic Scriptures as given by Christian writers, who showed to the votaries of the Talmud that their earlier authors had applied to the Son of David the very passages which they were for referring to the Son of Joseph. ...
The Genealogy of Jesus Christ 23As he began his ministry, Jesus was about thirty years old and was thought to be the son of Joseph,son of Heli, 24son of Matthat, son of Levi, son of Melchi, son of Jannai, son of Joseph,25son of Mattathias, ...
Joseph Accepts Jesus as His Son 18 This is how the birth of Jesus the Messiah came about[d]: His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together, she was found to be pregnant through the Holy Spirit. 19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the ...