Many Old Testament prophecies that pointed to the coming Savior are shown below. The New Testament verses where Jesus fulfilled the prophecies are next to the Old Testament prophecy. Jesus fulfilled all prophecies about the coming Messiah. Also, there is overwhelming evidence that he rose from the...
and Peter, by the Holy Spirit, says that Jesus is the Messiah (Matt 16:16). Jesus praises him for this answer, but then immediately tells them not to let anybody else know (Matt 16:20). A few verses later we learn why. Jesus instructs His disciples that...
As in the prophetic writings just enumerated, so in the Apocrypha of the Old Testament the figure of the Messiah has no prominence whatever. In I Maccabees there is a brief general reference to the promise given to David, that his throne would be reestablished (ii. 57), but Ecclesiasticus...
The chief element in the conception of the Messiah in the Old Testament is that of the king. Through him as head of the nation Yahweh could most readily work out His saving purposes. But the kingdom of Israel was a theocracy. In earlier times Moses, Joshua, and the judges, who were r...
” If the original Hebrew form were “Yahusha,” the Aramaic form of the same name wouldnothave been pronounced “Yeshua” (#3442) to begin with. But the Aramaic form is found in the scriptures in 29 verses of inspired scripture (e.g. 1Chron 24:11, 2Chron. 31:15, Strong’s #3442...
Two of my favorite verses from the Old Testament speak of this: I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. –Psalm 40:1-2 Those ...
the temporary-ness of words that fly away come to mind,” vocalist and board member Constance Darbonne said. She contrasted these temporal words with words of lasting power, “the sung word of the most read book in the world — the Bible — Old Testament prophecy and New Testament fulfillmen...
He referenced the Prophet Moses in John 5:46-47. Jesus was speaking to Jews who wanted to kill Him (verses 16, 18), and He rebuked them because they did not believe what Moses prophesied about Him in the Old Testament Scriptures. ...
21) Jesus consistently contradicts himself concerning his Godly status.“I and my father are one.”(John 14:28) Also see Philippians 2:5-6 Those verses lead us to believe that he is a part of the trinity and equal to his father being a manifestation of him. Yet, Jesus also made many...
The verses used as text forMessiahwere assembled by Handel’s friend Charles Jennens, a wealthy supporter of the arts. They were drawn from three parts of theBible:Old Testamentprophesies of theMessiah’sbirth;New Testamentstories of the birth ofChrist, his death, and his resurrection; and ve...