有了Messi、Jordi Alba和Sergio Busquets的加入,Inter Miami从全国最差的球队变成了最好的球队。晋级季后赛似乎是板上钉钉,然而一切都在Messi在为阿根廷参加世界杯预选赛时受伤后发生了变化。尽管他淡化了伤势的严重性,但自那以后他再也没有恢复到之前的状态。他曾经短暂复出,但此后又错过了几场比赛,这导致Inter...
FIFA president Gianni Infantino has confirmed what was already an open secret: Lionel Messi’s Inter Miami will be the host team in the 2025 FIFA Club World Cup. The first edition of the Club World Cup to be played in an expanded, 32-team format, the tournament is to...
Lionel Messi and Inter Miami will feature in next year's expanded FIFA Club World Cup, FIFA president Gianni Infantino announced on Saturday. Messi and his team-mates will kick-off the tournament in the opening game at Hard Rock Stadium, home of the NFL's Mi...
Europe got 12 spots and South America six to lead the field, while Africa, Asia and North America all got four — with Inter Miami essentially a fifth from North America since it has host status. Oceania got one spot. “There is no rule that said the MLS Cup ...
迈阿密国际(Inter Miami)为梅西(Messi)举行了盛大的金球奖纪念仪式!迈阿密国际为了这个纪念仪式也下足了功夫,球队精心设计了特殊的纪念徽章,上面有像征历史最佳球员的公羊形像以及象征梅西的M字母。同时,梅西也身穿印有八个金球奖图案的特制球鞋登场。在致词的环节中,梅西表示,”谢谢你们来到这里,感谢你们的热情。对我...
Inter Miami或瞄准携手Messi三位前巴萨队友 最新报道称,当Lionel Messi今年夏季加入美国Inter Miami俱乐部后,该俱乐部可能会瞄准Sergio Busquets,Jordi Alba和Luis Suarez,与他们一起效力。这个报道是在官方确认Messi将离开巴黎圣日耳曼之后发布的。TyC体育报道称,Inter Miami希望“以Messi为中心建立一支球队”,并已经...
For now, Inter Miami coach is taking it all in his stride until we know more. “Today we started to justify why Inter Miami could go to the Club World Cup. This is what gives me peace of mind,” the Argentine coach said after last night’s win against the Crew. ...
Inter,Miami季后赛命悬一线 Lionel Messi在7月份加盟Inter Miami,为这支进入困境的俱乐部注入了新的活力。尽管球队一直处于东部联盟的垫底位置,但是在Messi的影响下,球队连续九场比赛取得胜利,并且在联赛杯决赛中获得了胜利。有了Messi、Jordi Alba和Sergio Busquets的加入,Inter Miami从全国最差的球队变成了最好的球队...
Messi将在MLS面临激烈竞争,Almada发出警告 阿根廷球员Thiago Almada表示,当Lionel Messi在Inter Miami开始他的MLS职业生涯时,他将面临激烈的竞争。Messi选择忽略来自中东和回归巴塞罗那的报价,而选择加入迈阿密队。Almada是亚特兰大联队的球员,他表示Messi的签约在整个联盟引起了很大的兴奋,但也警告他联赛比赛很激烈。
The main architect behind the biggest signing in Major League Soccer history believes "the opportunity to change the sport" was a deciding factor in Lionel Messi joining Inter Miami CF.