全名叫里奥内尔·梅西 Full name Lionel Andrés Messi Date of birth June 24, 1987 (1987-06-24) (age 20)Place of birth Rosario, Argentina Height 1.69 m (5 ft 6+1⁄2 in)[1]Playing position Winger, Second Striker Club information Current club Barcelona Number 19 Youth clu...
Lionel Messi(full name: Lionel Andres Messi)was born on 24 June 1987 in Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. He joined his local club, Newell’s Old Boys, youth ranks at the age of six. Lionel Messi (Photo: Adidas / Handout) Messi moved to FC Barcelona in 2001 following a trial in the p...
In 1995, Messi switched to Newell's Old Boys. At the age of 11, he was diagnosed with a growth hormone deficiency. River Plate showed interest in Messi's progress, but did not have enough money to pay for the treatment of the illness, which cost over £500 a month. As Argentina's...
.st0{fill:#FFFFFF;} Lionel Messi Height, Weight, Bio,Age,Wiki, Wife, Family,Affairs, Profile, Wife, Ex wife, Net Worth & More Bio/Wiki Briefly ACTIVITY Football DATE OF BIRTH June 24, 1987 ZODIAC SIGN Crayfish PLACE OF BIRTH Argentina, Rosario FULL NAME (ENG) Lionel andres messi cucit...
The famous Messi has a middle name too which is Andrés. Thus, his full name is Lionel Andrés Messi. To most of his fans he is Leo Messi. Leo is short for Lionel. Also, his name has Spanish pronunciation. Lionel Messi: Wonder Years 7) Playing Since The Age Of Five Lionel Messi sta...
EarlyLife Hisfather,JorgeMessi,wasworkinginfactory.Hismother,Celia,wasaparty-timecleaner.Attheageof11,hewasdiagnosedwithagrowthhormonedeficiency.ThesportingdirectorofBarcelonasingedhimafterwatchinghimplay.CareerLife Afterwinningthe2009UEFASuperCup,BarcelonamanagerassertedthatMessiwasprobablythebestplayerhe...
“ThisisMessi!”•••••••Fullname:LionelAndrésMessiDateofbirth:24June1987Placeofbirth:ArgentinaHeight:1.69mPlayingposition:ForwardCurrentclub:BarcelonaNumber:10 ThegrowthofLionelmessiAttheageof11messiwasdiagnosedwiththelackofhormones In2002,LionelmessiwasbroughttoBarcelonaFromthenonhe...
•However,BarcadecidedtosignMessiandpayforhismedicaltreatment.•WecansaythatMessi’sstorycouldhaveendedbeforeitbegunhadBarcanottakenhimunderitswingatanearlyage loyal •ItisbarcelonathatgivesMessiabrightfuture•MessisaidthathewouldplayforBarcauntilheretired charitable •In2007MessiestablishedFoundationLeoMessi,...
“ThisisMessi!” •Fullname:LionelAndrésMessi •Dateofbirth:24June1987 •Placeofbirth:Argentina •Height:1.69m •Playingposition:Forward •Currentclub:Barcelona •Number:10 ThegrowthofLionelmessi Attheageof11messi wasdiagnosedwiththe lackofhormones In2002,Lionelmessi wasbroughttoBarcelona Fro...
--- Lionel Messi | Messi playing for Barcelona | Personal information | Full name | Lionel Andrés Messi[1] | Date of birth | 24 June 1987 (age 24)[1] | Place of birth | Rosario‚ Argentina[1] | Height | 1.69 m (5 ft 7 in)[1] | Playing position | Forward | Club informatio...