Everyone loves a good movie. They can be cute. They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. But once in a while, you stumble across one that leaves you completely shook. Tap to play GIF Maybe it wasOldboy, whose mind-blowing plot twists left you reeli...
It blew my mind how everything ended up coming together in the end, and (spoiler alert!) she planned everything about her disappearance. My jaw was on the floor for most of the movie, and to this day, it’s still a go-to movie for me. I love it!... Read more 10 people love...
BuzzFeed Staff Everyone loves a good movie. They can be cute. They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. Maybe it wasOldboy, whose mind-blowing plot twists left you reeling on your couch, wondering what the fuck just happened. ...
Everyone loves a good movie. They can be cute. They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. But once in a while, you stumble across one that leaves you completely shook. Tap to play GIF Maybe it wasOldboy, whose mind-blowing plot twists left you reeli...
17.While perhaps not as bad as some of the rest, Kim Kardashian oncecomparedher life to an 18-year-old with cancer. When an interviewer suggested that the pressure to continue making dramatic content forKeeping Up with the Kardashiansled to Kardashian "say[ing] yes to things one might other...
It blew my mind how everything ended up coming together in the end, and (spoiler alert!) she planned everything about her disappearance. My jaw was on the floor for most of the movie, and to this day, it’s still a go-to movie for me. I love it!... Read more 10 people love...
They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. UGC-Fox But once in a while, you stumble across one that leaves you completely shook. CBS Television Maybe it was Oldboy, whose mind-blowing plot twists left you reeling on your couch, wondering what the ...
BuzzFeed Staff Everyone loves a good movie. They can be cute. They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. But once in a while, you stumble across one that leaves you completely shook. Tap to play GIF...
BuzzFeed Staff Everyone loves a good movie. They can be cute. They can be funny. And they're a great way to spend a chill Friday night. Maybe it wasOldboy, whose mind-blowing plot twists left you reeling on your couch, wondering what the fuck just happened. ...
It blew my mind how everything ended up coming together in the end, and (spoiler alert!) she planned everything about her disappearance. My jaw was on the floor for most of the movie, and to this day, it’s still a go-to movie for me. I love it!... Read more 10 people love...