1、如果调用时没有带exception <exc>选项,此时Message语包中的RAISING <exc>选项抛出的异常将会被忽略,Message语句会当作正常消息来处理 2、如果调用时加上了exception <exc>选项对exc异常进行了捕获,则不会再显示消息(但如果即使加上了exception选项,但没有捕获到exc异常,则此时会忽略RAISING选项),并设置sy-subrc。
REPORT demo_messages_simple MESSAGE-ID sabapdocu.MESSAGE i014.MESSAGE s015.WRITE text-001.This simple message displays an information message in a modal dialog box:and a success message in the status bar of the next screen (in this case, a list)....
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, When iam using a message type as 'W' (Warning) in my program , the output is not showing the warning message , instead it showing the error message . Can any one solve my doubt . Plz tell me the explanations for my problem . My Sample ...
I have been able to help on some of those threads by replicating the steps in my system and a little debugging to find the root cause of the message, it may seems trivial to experimented folks, but this procedure might be of help for those who are starting with SAP,this blog is for ...
These concepts apply to SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 3.0/ 7.0/ 7.10. INTRODUCTION: By and large Archiving applies to asynchronous (EO and EOIO) messages only on the ABAP and JAVA side. SXMSPMAST is the master table that holds the key information about each of the messages going through...
Once you have created a message, you can use it in the MESSAGE statement in a program. For further information about messages, see the messages section of the ABAP Programming Guide.Starting the Message Maintenance Transaction Using forward navigation from the ABAP Editor. You can display...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model Hi, I have custom action in the List Report page, where the user can update large number of records. In the end of the process, I want to give one message that says how many records where updated successfully and how many faile...
Is it possible to add SAPUI5 client-side error messages/validations into the same Message Popover handled by the framework when using Fiori Elements ? I try to use sap.ui.core.message.ControlMessageProcessor and I can see my messages in the Message Manager message model when debugging (both ...
Messages in Function Modules and Methods Messsage的普通使用 Messsage转异常(…RAISING选项) 捕获Message(error_message) DEMO_MESSAGES程序(SAP自带的各种情况下的Message测试) 在状态栏中显示信息 “E”消息与回退按扭 确认框函数POPUP_TO_CONFIRM Messages ...
By means of the number, a reference is made to the corresponding field entry of the field contents listed behind WITH. Messages in the ABAP/4 are issued in the module pool by using the MESSAGE statement. topSource: SAP Reference Lists ...