Occasions that generally call for out-of-office messages include: Vacations Extended holiday leave Maternity or paternity leave Medical or sick leave Personal or mental health days Attending conferences, workshops, or company events Volunteering Sabbaticals Emergency absences What do the best out-of-offi...
4. Paternity/maternity leave out-of-office message Because you’ll be away for an extended period, your paternity or maternity leave OOO message needs to make it clear that you’re not accessible by phone or email and provide alternative sources of assistance. Subject: Baby Aesha has arrive...
Occasions that generally call for out-of-office messages include: Vacations Extended holiday leave Maternity or paternity leave Medical or sick leave Personal or mental health days Attending conferences, workshops, or company events Volunteering Sabbaticals Emergency absences What do the best out-of-offi...
24.)I have a long list of complaints for you because you took so long to come back home. But I will read that list out after we finish celebrating your arrival with a grand party. Welcome back. 25.)Welcome back from maternity leave. We couldn’t wait to see the adorable pictures of...
Legislation on maternity leave in Kosovo was enacted with the law on labor on December 2010, providing mothers to nine months of paid leave and three months of unpaid leave. The note is organized around five main messages that emerge from reviewing the evidence of the impact of maternity leave...
Want to test out the exact strategies Abi used AND start making Instagram work for you? As soon as I got back from maternity leave, I hit the ground running and createdMessage Magic.I wanted busy business owners to have this info in their hands ASAP. ...
Thank you all so much for your generous and thoughtful gift! Your support as I take my maternity leave is certainly not taken for granted – I couldn't be more grateful to have such thoughtful coworkers like yourselves! Having you there at my baby shower made it even more special. Thank...
Sweet Message for My Best Friend: A friend is someone special in your life. It’s a person with whom you exchange everything, a person whom you talk to when you are happy, sad, or have difficulty in life. The best friend always knows your secrets. Sometimes it’s good to let your ...
61. We will miss you while you’re on maternity leave nearly as much as your baby will miss you when you return to work. 62. I’m extremely anticipating getting the hang of everything about your new infant through Facebook. Besides all these things I want to enjoy ...
女性主义政治行动则挑战诸如生育权、堕胎权、教育权、家庭暴力、孕妇留职(maternity leave)、薪资平等、投票权、性骚扰、性别歧视与性暴力等等的议题。女性主义探究的主题则包括歧视、刻板印象、物化(尤其是关于性的物化)、身体、家务分配、压迫与父权。 女性主义的观念基础是认为,现时的社会建立于一个男性被给予了比...