EJB的Message-driven bean基于JMS来实现的。在说明Message-driven bean之前需要来了解一下jms。 JMS java-message-service,java程序和企业级应用交互的一套规范,定义一组用于创建、发送、以及接受消息的API。发送者不需要知道接受者的任何内容,接受者也是同样。对于双方都是一种透明的方式来进行异步交互。J2ee1.3版本开始...
Add a Jakarta Messaging-based Message-driven Bean in Red Hat CodeReady Studio Open the Create EJB 3.x Message-Driven Bean wizard. Go to File New Other. Select EJB/Message-Driven Bean (EJB 3.x) and click the Next button. Figure 4.1. Create EJB ...
详细解析:首先它是无状态的Session Bean,客户端调用MDB时,无需等待,可以立即返回,MDB会异步处理客户的请求;MDB必须实现MessageListener接口,当容器守候检测到一条队列信息时,将调用onMessage()方法。 适用范围:当一个业务执行很长,然后又无需将结果实时反馈客户时,适合使用MDB;如订单成功后向客户发送一条成功短信或者...
Amessage-driven beanis an enterprise bean that allows Java EE applications to process messages asynchronously. This type of bean normally acts as a JMS message listener, which is similar to an event listener but receives JMS messages instead of events. The messages can be sent by any Java EE ...
A single message-driven bean can process messages from multiple clients.The instance variables of the message-driven bean instance can contain some state across the handling of client messages, such as a JMS API connection, an open database connection, or an object reference to an enterprise bean...
這項特性可讓您使用根據 Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0 規格所撰寫的訊息驅動 Jakarta Enterprise Bean。MDB 容許在 Jakarta EE 元件內非同步處理訊息。 啟用此特性 如果要啟用 Jakarta Enterprise Beans 4.0 Message-Driven Beans 特性,請將下列元素宣告新增至 server.xml 檔中的 featureManager 元素內: <feature>mdb-...
目的:了解EJB3 中Message-Driven Bean的开发过程及其工作原理。 开发步骤: 1)开发服务端。编写Message-Driven Bean类。 2)配置并发布Message-Driven Bean到JBoss服务器。 3)开发消息客户端。 项目结构预览: 1)服务端项目结构: 2)客户端项目结构: 开发过程及详细代码: ...
TheMessage-DrivenBeanClass Itmustbeannotatedwiththe@MessageDrivenannotationifitdoesnotuseadeploymentdescriptor.Theclassmustbedefinedaspublic.Theclasscannotbedefinedasabstractorfinal.Itmustcontainapublicconstructorwithnoarguments.Itmustnotdefinethefinalizemethod.TheMessage-DrivenBeanClass Itisrecommended,butnotrequired,...
package com.sap.jms.test.MDBEjbBean; import javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty; import javax.ejb.MessageDriven; import javax.jms.JMSException; import javax.jms.Message; import javax.jms.MessageListener; import javax.jms.TextMessage; /** * A Message-Driven Bean processing TextMessages sent to My...
1.Define the functions of the bean 2.Develop the source code of the message-driven bean. That is: a.The message-driven bean class b.The deployment descriptors 3. Create the Connection Factory(in the Administration Manual) 4. Create the Destination (Queue or Topic)(in the Administration Manua...