原文链接:【ABAP系列】SAP 系统的消息类型分析 MESSAGE TYPE 回到顶部 前言部分 大家可以关注我的公众号,公众号里的排版更好,阅读更舒适。 回到顶部 正文部分 关于系统的消息类型: 写MESSAGE一定要加上TYPE 那么消息类型有几种呢 message types: "A", "E", "I", "S", "W", or "X" One of the possibl...
自己可以在SAP输入 ABAPHELP 搜索 Message Type 来看.Messages in RFC Processing As long as no list or dialog processing takes place during the processing of a function module called up using the RFC interface, messages behave as follows:Messages of types "I", "S", and "W" are...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi All, while bulk shipment cost creation using SAP program 'ROIGTRSL' in background , some jobs are failing very raarly in prodcution, if i check in job log it's showing message 'ABAP/4 processor: MESSAGE_TYPE_X' how to avoid this error, is ther...
Therefore, a termination with a short dump was triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X). What can you do? Note down which actions and inputs caused the error. To process the problem further, contact you SAP system administrator. Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, ...
27、使用WITH附加语句,WITH后的参数按sy-msgv1到sy-msgv4的次序依次赋值(WITH后的参数最多4个)消息使用实例参见SAP系统程序:DEMO_MESSAGES,运行界面如下:附文:Message ProcessingMessage processing depends on the message type specified in the MESSAGE statement, and the program context in which the statement ...
ABAP_Message_操作手册V1 [ABAP开发技术指南 - 消息(Message)]2012年2月01日 修改记录 制定日期 生效日期 制定 /修订内容摘要 页数 版本 拟稿 审查 批准 1引言1.1目的及范围 本文档主要介绍SAP ABAP程序中有关MESSAGE的类型及使用方法,可适用于ABAP开发人员,分析人员使用。1.2参考资料 •定义 消息是SAP...
triggered on purpose by the key word MESSAGE (type X). What can you do? Note down which actions and inputs caused the error. To process the problem further, contact you SAP system administrator. Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look ...
MESSAGE 示例 SE91中的通用消息 MESSAGE e001(00) WITH ‘XXXX ERROR!’ 常量消息 MESSAGE ‘ABCDE’ TYPE ‘S’. 静态指定 MESSAGE s001(00). 动态指定 DATA:t(1) VALUE ‘S’, id(2) VALUE
Runtime error: MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN Cause: Deliberate termination with short dump Runtime error: MESSAGE_TYPE_X Runtime error: MESSAGE_TYPE_X_TEXT Cause: It is not possible to catch messages of the type 'A' using the language element CALL FUNCTION ... EXCEPTIONS error_message in ON ...
ABAP Message 的用法 ABAP Message 是 SAP 系统中常用的一种消息提示方式,可以在程序 中输出各种类型的消息,如信息、警告、错误等。在 SAP 系统中, ABAP Message 可以用于向用户提供程序执行的状态信息,也可以用 于向用户提示程序执行过程中的异常情况。 ABAP Message 的语法格式如下: MESSAGE {type} {msgno} {...