Each command defines a type, such as action or search and the locations in the client from where the message extension is invoked. The invoke locations include the compose message area, command bar, and message. On invoke, the web service receives an HTTPS message with a JSON payload with ...
Each command defines a type, such as action or search and the locations in the client from where the message extension is invoked. The invoke locations include the compose message area, command bar, and message. On invoke, the web service receives an HTTPS message with a JSON payload with ...
请求体和响应体都是需要配合Content-Type头部使用的,这个头部主要用于说明body中得字符串是什么格式的,比如:text,json,xml等。对于请求报文,只有通过此头部,服务器才能知道怎么解析请求体中的字符串,对于响应报文,浏览器通过此头部才知道应该怎么渲染响应结果,是直接打印字符串还是根据代码渲染为一个网页 ...
响应body体则是response返回的具体内容,对于一个普通的html页面,body里面就是页面的源代码。对于HttpMessage响应体里可能就是个json串(但无强制要求)。 响应体一般都会结合Content-Type一起使用,告诉客户端只有知道这个头了才知道如何渲染。 AbstractMessageConverterMethodProcessor源码稍显复杂,它和Http协议、内容协商有很...
Here's the JSON used to compose this message: Copy{ "text": "Would you like to play a game?", "attachments": [ { "text": "Choose a game to play", "fallback": "You are unable to choose a game", "callback_id": "wopr_game", "color": "#3AA3E3", "attachment_type": "de...
The JSON data packets required for various message types are as follows: Send a text message { "touser":"OPENID", "msgtype":"text", "text": { "content":"Hello World" } } When sending a text message, you can add a text link that can redirect to a Mini Program. ...
tsconfig.esm.json feat: ts-validator-schemagit status May 6, 2024 tsconfig.json feat: ts-validator-schemagit status May 6, 2024 Repository files navigation README @nixjs23n6/ts-validator-schema Typescript - Create message error keys and parameters and flatten message keys in Schema of JavaScrip...
Here's example JSON sent in this scenario, already decoded from thepayloadparameter: {"type":"interactive_message","actions": [{"name":"games_list","selected_options": [{"value":"maze"}]}],"callback_id":"game_selection","team": {"id":"T012AB0A1","domain":"pocket-calculator"},...