Messages with the type "E" or "W" (except those for PBO and LOAD-OF-PROGRAM) are displayed as a dialog window if dtype contains "A" or "I". Messages with the type "S" are always displayed in the status bar, regardless of the dtype. The latter also applies to messages of the typ...
SAP ABAP MESSAGE消息处理 MESSAGE 示例 SE91中的通用消息 MESSAGE e001(00) WITH ‘XXXX ERROR!’ 常量消息 MESSAGE ‘ABCDE’ TYPE ‘S’. 静态指定 MESSAGE s001(00). 动态指定 DATA:t(1) VALUE ‘S’, id(2) VALUE ‘00’, num(3) VALUE ‘001’. MESSAGE ID id TYPE t NUMBER num. ...
SABAPDOCU,? ???mtype?TYPE?sy-msgty?VALUE?I,? ???num???TYPE?sy-msgno?VALUE?014.? MESSAGE?ID?mid?TYPE?mtype?NUMBER?num. msg取值4:oref TYPE mtype oref是系统接口IF_T100_MESSAGE的一个实现类的实例对象,而IF_T100_MESSAGE中有包含了接口组件IF_MESSAGE。消息类型、消息编号、消息类以及消息中...
1、ABAP开发技术指南-消息(Message)2012年02月01日修改记录制定日期生效日期制定 /修订内容摘要页数版本拟稿审查批准引言目的及范围本文档主要介绍SAP ABAP程序中有关MESSAGE的类型及使用方法,可适用于ABAP开发人员,分析人员使用。参考资料定义消息是SAP系统中常见单行简短信息,也可以视为是系统对程序的一种交互过程,用于...
Messages of the type "X" always cause a runtime error. 按照上面的顺序分析一下 A:Abend 异常终止 终止当前操作 E:Error 错误 系统等待 新输入数据 I: Infor 信息 处理回车之后 系统继续处理 S:Success成功 消息出现 在下一屏上 W:Warning警告 可以更改 输入数据或 通过按回车继续 ...
MESSAGE 'Success!' TYPE 'I'. Addition 1 ... DISPLAY LIKE dtype Effect When this addition is used, the icon of the message type specified in dtype is displayed instead of the associated icon. dtype expects a character-like data objects containing one of the values A, E, W, S, or I ...
This example ofMESSAGEstatementMESSAGE i045(SABAP_DOCU) WITH carridcontains the following elements: Message type: "i" Message class:"SABAP_DOCU" Short text: "No authorization for airline carrier &" Placeholder "&" which is defined for the parameter"carrid"...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Gurus , we get the MESSAGE_TYPE_X error in saplslvc in "FILL_DATA_TABLE ' when we execute our custmized program . but the same program was executed successfully in the Development system . i get this error in quality and production alone we have...