【毕业演讲】Message from Biden to Class of202110 播放 · 0 赞同视频 This may not be a word-for-word transcript. Congratulations. I’m proud of each and every one of you. 更多关于 each and every 的用法 ← 请点击这里 This past year has been an extraordinarily difficult year for our ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday sent a message of sympathy to U.S. President Joe Biden over the latter's COVID-19 infection. In his message, Xi said that upon learning of Biden's infection with the coronavirus, he would like to extend his sincere sympathy to the U.S. president ...
Joe Biden: Jill and I want to send you our warmest Easter greetings to you and your family. As we celebrate this most holy day, we know many are still going without familiar comforts of the season. The virus is not gone and so many of us still feel the longing and loneliness of di...
摘要: Vice President Joe Biden is a man on a mission. Over the last few weeks, the White House's go-to guy on Latin America has made every effort to persuade Congress to approve a $1 billion aid request for Central America. In separate op-eds in The New York...
The FDA has acted as quickly as they’ve ever acted in history. There’s never been a time and no president has ever pushed him like I pushed them either, to be honest with you. But the FDA is approving things ...
Jill Biden's latest outfit seems to take a swipe at Melania Trump's infamous "I Really Don't Care" jacket.
President Biden’s Message to African Union Summit Participants 拜登第34届非盟峰会致辞.mp3 音频: 00:00 02:10 合集 #视听 85个 Hello, everyone. I’m honored to send the best wishes of the people of the United States in ...
issues, U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday sent the following uplifting video message to the Summit participants. “The United States stands ready to be your partner, in solidarity, support, and mutual respect," President Biden said. "We believe in the nations of Africa." (White House ...
Biden's message hostages' familes: Hang in there, we're coming President Biden says he believes a deal to free the Hamas hostages will happen.
MILWAUKEE — Many Republicans here in Milwaukee told us to expect a new, more introspective, somber and unifying message from former President Donald Trump on Thursday night. The attempt on his life, they argued, had changed him, mellowed him and refocus