一Nace配置 设置输出类型 从NEU复制一个到ZNEU目前我们是对于功能1打印输出来做定制化,所以需要选中ZNEU,双击处理程序(保存采购订单后调用的程序FORM) ⽬前我们是对于功能1打印输出来做定制化,所以需要选中ZNEU,双击处理程序(保存 采购订单后调⽤的程序FORM) 发现它是使⽤SAPFM06P使⽤ADOBE FORM来输出的,这...
Messages are stored in the table T100, are processed using transaction SE91 and can be created by forward navigation. The ABAP runtime environment handles messages according to the type declared in the MESSAGE statement and the context in which the message was sent. The following message types ...
If the row or column is currently hidden (for example, by table personalization), a “Hidden” text is shown. If the field doesn’t show in the table itself but is part of a sub-object, only the row identifier is displayed (3). Message popover displaying messages for a table Behavior ...
Messages sent without one of the additionsRAISINGorINTOare a way of interacting with a user. Except for messages of the type"X", the statementMESSAGEshould be use exclusively in the presentation logic layer and never in the application logic layer. ...
The statement MESSAGE sends either the short text of a message specified in msg from the table T100 in the logon language of the current user or any text specified in text. The following variants are available: If one of the additions RAISING or INTO is not specified, the statement MESSAGE...
1、ABAP开发技术指南-消息(Message)2012年02月01日修改记录制定日期生效日期制定 /修订内容摘要页数版本拟稿审查批准引言目的及范围本文档主要介绍SAP ABAP程序中有关MESSAGE的类型及使用方法,可适用于ABAP开发人员,分析人员使用。参考资料定义消息是SAP系统中常见单行简短信息,也可以视为是系统对程序的一种交互过程,用于...
【SAP ABAP系列】ABAP MESSAGE xxxx RAISING xxxx解析 以下部分内容转自官网 一般来说,功能模块中的异常通过RAISE EXCEPTION来处理。这将设置一个返回代码,并返回给调用程序。 例如,让我们考虑一个函数模块SXXXX的示例,它将创建一个参考采购申请的采购订单。此功能模块的导入参数是采购申请编号,导出参数是此处创建的...
When I go in transaction SE16 to look for all the T005E table enties, the value is in the table. Can anyone help me with this issue? The reason why I want to do this is because when I try to create a finished product, in the Sales:sales org....
settings in the dialog box for choosing the data source, or ask your system administrator to delete the entry with the name of the current transaction from Customizing table ASACCESS01. o If using SAP DRB (also if SAP DRB is called up using transaction KE5Z): - To read data from the ...
Some errors are not visible on the page where the message popover is. They can be located on a sub-object page (an item of a table, for instance), or have a dependency in an external application. If that’s the case, the navigation link leads to the target page with focus on the ...