Several organizations expressed their condolences upon Bernie’s passing and gratitude for the legacy of philanthropy that he leaves behind. Tribute to Bernie MarcusBernie Marcus Leaves Lasting Legacy of Giving Tribute to Bernie MarcusIn Memory of Bernie Marcus ...
Both of Sinner’s parents worked humble jobs when he was young. They were employees at a ski lodge at the Italian Alps and had to make a lot of sacrifices to ensure their son’s future in professional tennis. As a result, Sinner, in his post-mat...
The words and images throughout these pages tell an enduring story about the deep roots and the far reach of Summit School—a story that inspires both gratitude and pride. For eighty-one years, across four generations, Summit School has known that confidence is essential for academic achievement...
If nothing else, this past year and a half has reminded us of how precarious and unpredictable life is. It should also have been a reminder that we may think we have control over our lives, but ultimately, we don’t. We have control over how we take care of ourselves, of how we tr...
I can go on and on waxing lyrical on this, but the bottomline is this: thanks and gratitude to Lucifer, humanity is on track to the greatest evolutionary achievement of all eternity.I know I am going to cop a lot of flak for this. But then it is easy to take all the BS flags ...