In order to let members of the public express their condolences and sympathy for the victims and their families, the Government will be putting condolence books in 18 districts of Hong Kong. 為讓社會各界人士可表達他們對事件的關注,以及對死傷者以及家 屬的深切悼念與慰問,政府會在十...
Please accept our condolences for the loss of your father. He will live on forever in our hearts He may be gone but your dad would have been so proud of you. Let’s celebrate his life and remember the good times. Our condolences go out to you I know how close you and your dad wer...
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a message of condolences to British Prime Minister Theresa May Thursday over a deadly terrorist attack in London that killed four people and injured 40 others Wednesday.
On behalf of the government and the people of Thailand, Prayut said he wished to extend his deepest sympathy and condolences to the Kenyan president and through him to the bereaved families of those who were affected by this terrorist act. He said Thailand remains firmly committed to cooperating...
condolencesandsympathy oftheEuropean Union to the people and Government of China [...] 首先,我要同其他人一道,就今天发生的地震所 造成的人员伤亡和损失向中国人民和政府转达欧洲 联盟的慰问和同情。 ...
He also extended condolences and sympathy to the families of those killed in the "criminal" attack and highlighted the OIC's responsibility regarding the issue. In another development, Iran's deputy permanent representative to...
But that may not have helped you in the way you want, so here are some of the main tips and pointers when writing asympathy card message: What does my Deepest Condolences mean? Saying ‘my condolences’ is a way to express your sympathy and empathy for someone who has suffered a loss....
2Heartfelt condolences or sympathies This is the primary purpose of the message. You should communicate your sorrow or sympathy for their loss at this point in the message or card. (See examples of this below.) This can also include an offer of support. ...
With my profound sympathy. May you emerge out of this woe soon. Stay blessed. Condolences for a major accident: Even when someone had been through a terrible accident, they need some simple condolence to bring them back to normalcy. The aftereffect of an accident can be bad, the trauma a...
On behalf of the Chinese government and people and in his own name, Xi expressed deep condolences over the death of Queen Elizabeth II and extended sincere sympathy to the British royal family, government and people. In his message, Xi said that Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch...