MessageGroupId: 这是一个标识符,用于将一组相关的消息分组在一起。在SQS的FIFO队列中,同一MessageGroupId内的消息会按顺序传递给消费者。 FIFO队列: SQS的FIFO(先进先出)队列保证消息按发送顺序被接收和处理。 设置MessageGroupId 在MassTransit中设置MessageGroupId通常涉及在发送消息时指定该属性。以下是一个示例...
The large, non-consecutive number that Amazon SQS assigns to each message. The length ofSequenceNumberis 128 bits.SequenceNumbercontinues to increase for a particularMessageGroupId. Type: String Errors For information about the errors that are common to all actions, seeCommon Errors. ...
An Amazon SQS message. Contents Attributes A map of the attributes requested inReceiveMessageto their respective values. Supported attributes: ApproximateReceiveCount ApproximateFirstReceiveTimestamp MessageDeduplicationId MessageGroupId SenderId SentTimestamp ...
// 👇 Fifo messageconstmessage={messageBody: ...,messageGroupId:"POKEMONS#123",messageDeduplicationId:"POKEMONS#123#1",// <= Or "POKEMONS#123" for AggregateExistsMessageQueues...// <= Other technical SQS properties}; If thereplayoption is set totrue, areplaymetadata attribute is included...
Get answers to Amazon SQS FAQs on topics like FIFO queues, message identifiers, long and short polling, and security.
Firstly, this project is real neat. Any thoughts on supporting FIFO queues with message key values, similar to SQS FIFO + MessageGroupId ? Riffing off your existing work, here are the prototype functions which illustrate the idea: CREATE...
Get answers to Amazon SQS FAQs on topics like FIFO queues, message identifiers, long and short polling, and security.
A super efficient Amazon SQS thread based message processor for Ruby. This project is in MAINTENANCE MODE. Reach me out on Slack link on the description if you want to become a new maintainer. - Extract only the supported message attributes for AWS SQS (
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