Not only does it guarantee security for users who put personal information there, but it also guarantees that your website will not be penalized by Google. So if you have a website and still don’t use a certificate, don’t waste time and get one now. And if you’re thinking of buil...
其次,在Google Chrome扩展程序中监听Web页面的消息如下: 1chrome.runtime.onMessageExternal.addListener(2function(request, sender, sendResponse) {3if(sender.url ==blacklistedWebsite)4return;//don't allow this web page access5if(request.openUrlInEditor)6openUrl(request.openUrlInEditor);7}); 最后,...
public class MyRestClient { public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = Client.create(); WebResource resource = client.resource("http://localhost:8080/myapp/rest/a/update/123"); B b1 = new B("debris"); ClientResponse response = resource.put(ClientResponse.c...
Sometimes, while browsing the web with Google Chrome, you may notice a “Your Connection is Not Private” error. Google has security settings to protect you against suspicious sites, and these precautions are often the reason for the error. It’s more of a warning than an error, though. Th...
git clone cd message-pusher/web npm install npm run build cd .. go mod download go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o message-pusher 运行: chmod u+x message-pusher ./message-pusher --port 3000 --log-dir ./logs 访问http://localhost:3000...
Firefox doesn't allow a web message to be sent but Google Chrome does. After filling out the form at: SPECTRUM URGENT: FUNDING FOR THE AFFORDABLE CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM IS RUNNING OUT, I could not send the message because I got a message saying, "Please enter a 5 digit zip code." but I...
This Addon is only active on google and youtube (see sourcecode for further information). If you visit google or Youtube for the first time a quick refresh (to apply the cookie) will be automatically done. Don't forget to allow the addon to access websites with searchresults and the ...
I have been learning javascript, jQuery, and userscripts, as well as how to user firebug, the last 3 days in the attempt to display information about a selected customer on the website So far, other than a lot of learning, I have little to show for. I simply ...
Slobodin在Google论坛上发帖表示,鉴于Chrome 59推出了Headless浏览特性,他认为没有理由再继续维护Phantom....
Google discontinued support for 32-bit versions of Chrome in Mac in November 2014. As Lync Web App works only in 32-bit versions of Chrome, to join a Lync meeting, Mac users must use either Safari or Firefox. When users wh...