Ash Wednesday message solemn
Another Hebrew word for sin described it as not doing what we should’ve and doing what we should’ve. We call such sins in church language the sins of omission and the sins of commission. Such sins, it was believed, poisoned the soul, and could infect the entire community. Yet another...
Daily prayer:Father, it’s a fact that the vast majority want something for nothing. If they get their wish it might bring a temporal thrill, but it cannot satisfy the soul’s longing and it always has a perishable shelf life. When Jesus gave His all as a sacrifice for our sins You ...
The Contrado Santo Spirito di Passopisciari is located at about 700 metres of elevation on the slopes of Mount Etna and has comparatively deep, rich soils of pebbles, gravel and volcanic ash. The elevation allows for the diurnal cycle swing of warm days and cooler nights enabling the vines'...