1. 解释错误消息"sp2-0667: message file sp1<lang>.msb not found"的含义 这个错误消息是在使用Oracle SQLPlus或其他基于SQLPlus的工具(如SQLcl或SQL Developer的命令行界面)时出现的。它表明SQL*Plus无法找到指定语言(<lang>为占位符,实际应为如us、ja等语言代码)的消息文件(.msb),这些文件包含了特定...
[oracle@localhost oracle]$ ./sqlplus Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 解决方法: 第一,用oracle用户名登录linux系统。而不是root登录后su oracle。 第二,用oracle用户名登录linux系统后,vi...
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 搞了好久,最后还是环境变量问题!!! 一开始的环境变量这么写的: HOME=/opt/aa ORACLE_HOME=/opt/aa/oracle/10.2.0/db_1 PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH...
Resolving SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory If you set up Oracle Database XE 11G in Linux and you encounter the following error when starting up SQL Plus: $ sqlplus SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set...
[转]sqlplus /nolog 出错解决 SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 2016-09-07 16:57 −... 胜强 0 12022 【转】You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity. ...
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORA This cgi application server has worked 3 years without problem to connect database version in window environment. oracle client both 32 & 64bit...
If you set up Oracle Database XE 11G in Linux and you encounter the following error when starting up SQL Plus:$ sqlplus SP2-0667: Message file sp1<lang>.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory To resolve it try the following. It's ...
Error 6 initializing SQL*Plus Message file sp1.msb not found SP2-0750: You may need to set ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle software directory 我看了一下.bash_profile,ORACLE_HOME也存在,而且dbca也能正常运行。 我重新设置了ORACLE_HOME,也没效果。
17.0-16.0-fix-pos-refund-baar-MSBx-fw 17.0-16.0-fix-pos-ressuply-before-cancel-arm-yOqG-fw 17.0-16.0-fix-prevent-tab-duplication-ksbh-T8qT-fw 17.0-16.0-fix-privacy-lookup-l-CE-fw (odoo/odoo#192190) 17.0-16.0-fix-project-TT52091-LgKB-fw 17.0-16.0-fix-sanitize-stale-selection-deso...
Additional information: The assembly with display name 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.PageInspector.Runtime' failed to load in the 'LoadFrom' binding context of the AppDomain with ID 2. The cause of the failure was: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Visual...