themessagebehindthem.•The person offering thecommunicationis, of course, just as much part of themessageas the words that areuttered.•Themessagewasdeliveredin eight days, starting in Houston beforearrivingat itsfinaldestinationof Los Angeles.•When I got home, there were twomessageson my...
1The message bodies may be callables which will be executed when the message is delivered, allowing you to easily utilize templates. Pro tip: to pass arguments to your template, while still allowing for later execution, usefunctools.partial. When using a threaded manager please be aware of thr...
ts Long The timestamp when a message was delivered. actions.entityId String The entity ID. actions.execStatus Integer The status of the action. Valid values: -1: default 0: failure 1: success 2: to be executed 3: no execution is required actions.executeTime Long The timestamp when a...
Reducing this value to its minimum value of 1 minimizes the number of low priority messages that can be delivered ahead of a high priority message. However, this may impact the performance of the application. When reducing this value, you should experiment to determine how far it can be safel...
A message may be delivered by various means, including courier, telegraphy, carrier pigeon and electronic bus. Text A book or other written or printed work, regarded in terms of its content rather than its physical form A text which explores pain and grief Message A verbal, written, or ...
When your iPhone displays ‘Sent as Text Message’ for a particular communication, it indicates that your message has been delivered as a standard SMS text rather than through iMessage. This usually occurs due to one of several specific circumstances: ...
iMessage for Android app Beeper Mini is once again having connectivity issues, which it has attributed to Apple. Last night, Beeper Mini stopped working for some people, and the company confirmed that Apple was "deliberately blocking iMessages from being delivered" to approximately five percent of...
The sender sets the message expiration time, triggering the expired and unconsumed messages to be delivered to the dead letter queue under the dead letter exchange. The consumer processes delayed messages by consuming messages from the dead letter queue. Usage Examples The code below is for example...
When he delivered his first annual message in 1801, Thomas Jefferson departed from prior presidential practice and delivered the message to Congress in writing rather than as a speech. Scholars have differed over the meaning and significance of his action. This article examines new historical ...
iMessage also shows message receipts, which help you to know if your message has been sent, delivered, and read. With SMS, there’s no way for you to know if your message has arrived or if its recipient has read it. iMessage Makes Conversations Interactive ...