When someone you don’t know on aDiscord serversends you a message, Discord may not allow this message through to your direct messages. Instead, it may filter the message and send it to your Message Requests folder. You then have the option to accept the direct message and read it or ig...
You could. However the Equinox codebase itself is not designed to be a tutorial; it's extracted from production systems and optimized; there is no pedagogical mission. FsUno.Prod on the other hand has this specific intention, walking though that is highly recommended. Also EventStore, being ...
Some systems are not supporting compression due to the lack of free ram (SMS/GG/Genesis), what could be possible is to decompress a rom and store it in an unused zone of flash, the only problem with that would be the wearing of flash chip blocks (a flash memory block has an erase/...
Example of how you could keep your messages private to inexperienced people on discord. - kvba0000/Discord-Voice-Secret-Message
Another cause could be the route your connection is taking, which is usually related to your ISP. It's recommended to contact your ISP and check for any ongoing issues, they might be having some issues that would only affect the route to the Apex Datacenters. Changing your Datacenter ...
Lastly, I am personally affected by the "Memory could not be read..." error, if you have any solutions please post them here. Reply 14 + XP #130 February 2019 - last edited February 2019 Options LePebby ★★★ Novice @arock0627 wrote: I don't know if this will work for eve...
msgid "Error: failed to override game path, the game {0} was not recognised." msgstr "" #: src/gui/state/loot_state.cpp:348 msgid "Error: The initial game could not be selected. {0}" #: src/gui/state/loot_state.cpp:350 msgid "" "No supported games were detected. Try running ...