1//创建一个question弹出对话框,添加两个按钮:Yes和No2QMessageBox *msgBox =newQMessageBox(QMessageBox::Question, tr("对话框标题"), tr("对话框内容"), QMessageBox::Yes |QMessageBox::No);34//将原本显示“Yes”的按钮改为显示“是”5msgBox->button(QMessageBox::Yes)->setText("是");67//...
QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); 这是比较常用的一种用法,效果如下: information原型: StandardButton QMessageBox::information(QWidget * parent,const QString & title,const QString & text, StandardButtons buttons = Ok, StandardButton defaultButton = NoButton) [static] 第...
qDebug()<<ret; //返回值为宏值 :QMessageBox::Ok|QMessageBox::Yes 4.自定义button QMessageBox BOX;//实例化消息盒对象 BOX.setWindowTitle("退出");//设置消息对话的标题 BOX.setText("你确定要退出吗");//设置消息盒的提示内容 BOX.addButton("确认",QMessageBox::AcceptRole);//自定义按钮 BOX...
Step 4:Once done, Run the code by pressing the F5 key or by clicking on the Play Button. We will get a message box with the message “VBA Message Box”. And if click on Ok, then we will be exited from it. Step 5:Now we want to add a message box with YES and NO buttons. F...
简介:《QT从基础到进阶·二十三》弹窗提示框QMessageBox和QCloseEvent事件 1、正常信息提示 QMessageBox::information(NULL, "Title", "Content", QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No, QMessageBox::Yes); 消息框按钮判断: if(QMessageBox::Ok ==QMessageBox::warning(this,"温馨提示","是否保存设置?",...
Create a Yes No Message Box before Running a MacroHere we will insert a VBA code into the existing code and then run it to complete the task. So let us see a simple process to know how you can create a yes-no message box before running a macro in Excel.Step 1...
MessageBox class has an overloaded static Show method that displays a message box with a message and action buttons. The action buttons can be OK and Cancel, Yes and No etc. Here are some of the options that can be used in C# message box. Simple MessageBox The simplest form of a Message...
MB_YESNOThe message box contains two pushbuttons: Yes and No. MB_YESNOCANCELThe message box contains three pushbuttons: Yes, No, and Cancel. Message-Box Modality MB_APPLMODALThe user must respond to the message box before continuing work in the current window. However, the user can move...
No, it is not possible. how do I get the response from the "Cancel" event from the confirmation code above? With the code above I have, if you click "Cancel" and it will close out the message box, is there a way to catch the response from "Cancel" event, like if and else...
QMessageBox::Yes,QMessageBox::No,QMessageBox::Cancel); } //Warnin按钮 voidWidget::on_btnMsgWarning_clicked() { QStringdlgTitle=QStringLiteral("warning消息框"); QStringstrInfo=QStringLiteral("文件内容已经被修改"); QMessageBox::warning(this,dlgTitle,strInfo); ...