meson setup build 构建项目: 进入构建目录,并运行以下命令构建项目: cd build ninja 清理构建: 在构建目录下运行以下命令清理构建产物: ninja clean 重新配置项目: 如果需要更改构建配置,可以在构建目录下运行以下命令重新配置项目: meson reconfigure 运行测试: 如果项目包含了测试,可以在构建目录下运行以下命令执行测试...
Deep clean xPack Meson Build #11 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs linux-x64 meson-build 1.5.2-1 clean win32-x64 meson-build 1.5.2-1 clean linux-arm meson-build 1.5.2-1 clean linux-arm64 meson-build 1.5.2-1 clean darwin-x64 meson-build 1.5.2-1 clean darwin-arm64 ...
A binary distribution of the meson build tool. Contribute to xpack-dev-tools/meson-build-xpack development by creating an account on GitHub.
进入构建目录pgroot99/pgbuild 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 cd pgroot99/pgbuild meson setup.../pgsrc/ 如果出现The conflicting files need to be removed提示,请到源码目录执行maintainer-clean,彻底清理源码目录: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 ...
Non-clean source code directory detected. To build with meson the source tree may not have an in-place, ./configure style, build configured. You can have both meson and ./configure style builds for the same source tree by building out-of-source / VPATH with configure. Alternatively use...
因为,新rules新增了buiddir单独做编译,所以make clean和make install也稍有不同,参看下表rules剩余的差异部分。 // debian/rules原文件 clean: dh_testdir dh_testroot rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp# Add here commands to clean up after the build process. ...
errmsg_nonclean_base = ''' *** Non-clean source code directory detected. To build with meson the source tree may not have an in-place, ./configure style, build configured. You can have both meson and ./configure style builds for...
-d $(MESON_BUILD_DIR) ]; then \ $(MESON) setup $(MESON_BUILD_DIR) --prefix=/usr/local; \ fi # 使用Ninja进行编译 $(NINJA) -C $(MESON_BUILD_DIR) # 清理目标 clean: # 删除构建目录 rm -rf $(MESON_BUILD_DIR) .PHONY: all build clean 指定Meson构建所需的目标目录和参数: 在上面...
meson setup <build directory> Depending on how you obtained Meson the command might also be calledmeson.pyinstead of plainmeson. In the rest of this document we are going to use the latter form. You can omit either of the two directories, and Meson will substitute the current directory an...
make clean与make mrp linux 下编译安装meson linux内核编译及安装 配置文件 编译内核 linux 转载 云端小梦 26天前 19阅读 编译 Meson 浅谈计算机编译程序的组成编译程序是实现将源程序翻译为目标程序的系统软件,它由若于个程序组成,故又称为编译系统。这样用编译方法执行源程序大体可以分为两个阶段,即编译...