Rulers were considered the relatives of supernatural beings and of the Olmec gods. Archaeologist 's also say that there is evidence of the existence of shamans in their culture. Specific details in the Olmec religion were not always found by the researchers. At first, historians thought that ...
Prior to that, we can think about man looking his shadow and acquiring conscience of Space and Time as proposed by R. Calvino. Now, we turn our attention to Mesoamerica where orientations of buildings to events on the Horizon (sunrise, sunset, and zenith passages) ar...
The site, located not far from Merida beside a road to Campeche, has attracted many visitors since the time of Mexico's independence. The first detailed account of the ruins was published by Jean Frederic Waldeck in 1838. John Lloyd Stephens and Frederick Catherwood made two extended visits to...
located about 30 miles northeast of modern Mexico City. At its height (about 500 A.D.), it encompassed some 20 square miles and supported a population estimated at 200,000 people, making it at the time, one of the largest cities in the world. Their...
Wright Carr (2008) has recently demonstrated how linguistic terms for families, households, neighborhoods, and other forms of social organization are conceptually parallel in these two indigenous groups, the largest in central Mexico at the time of the conquest. Primary-source documents include ...
Aztec religion centred around the fiercesungod Huitzilopochtli. After battling his way across the sky each day, he returned to the bosom of the earth, his mother (Coatlicue), where he renewed his strength in order to take up the fight against darkness. In order to guaranteehumanexistence,...