Thus, contrary to crown policy, Spanish urban centres became the residence of large numbers of Indians, who intermingled with Spaniards, often African slaves, and over time an increasing population of castas. Despite the large numbers of Indians that resided in urban areas, this segment of ...
Origins of agriculture - Pre-Columbian, Mesoamerica, Andes: Indigenous peoples in the Americas created a variety of agricultural systems that were suited to a wide range of environments, from southern Canada to southern South America and from high elevat
Largest and most powerful Andean empire. Controlled the Pacific coast of South America from Ecuador to Chile from its capital of Cuzco. around 1200 ad established glittering empire stretching nearly 2500 miles along mountainous Western coast
System of knotted colored cords used by preliterate Andean peoples to transmit information. These knots are interesting because the Inca are notable for being a relatively sophisticated empire and civilization, but they had no written language (very unusual). Some have gone so far as to suggest th...