Piłat i inny mesjanizm negatywnyMarta Kufel's article concerns Andrzej Wajda's film Pilate and Others of 1972, which the author sees as an emblematic example of dramaturgy based on the principle of "revealing reflexive negativity." Kufel juxtaposes the film with Wajda's other productions from...
Quoting various examples, the author poses the thesis that the vision of God and the place of religion in a given society strongly influence the political sphere, the perception of the state's role and the definition of a nation.Anna SiewierskaChmaj...
A-mistyczny mesjanizm wczesnych Karaimów: racjonalistyczne podejście do egzegezy biblijnejMessianism, understood as faith in the coming of a Messiah who will usher in a better future and complete the work of redemption has little in common with the recognition of suprasensory, direct ...