SHARINGAlong with the globalization process, an intense change and transformation is experienced in all areas. In this dynamic process, any problem in any part of the world can turn into a global issue in a very short time. The disagreements between the countries of the region regarding th...
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TURKEYWATERSHEDSHYDRAULICSMETEOROLOGICAL precipitation measurementIn many of water engineering studies, it is necessary to determine the amount of water or the probability of discharge at a certain value. However, current discharge measurements are limited and located in discharge g...
Güney dou anadolu blgesinde ok düük doum arlkl prematürelerde retinopati skl ve risk faktrlerinin deerlendirilmesiIntroduction: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is the most common cause of childhood blindness. The risk of ROP is increased in premature infants with very low birth weights, ...
BUSINESS successQUALITATIVE researchHOTEL reservation systemsHOTELKEEPERSCITIES & townsBOOK designPurpose - The aim of this research is to determine the efficiency and productivity levels of the websites of five and four star tourism establishments in the Eastern Black Sea Region ...
aml (Balkesir) Demir Madeni Dou Oca Bat evlerini Oluturan Kaya Kütlelerinin Durayllk Deerlendirmesidoi:10.24232/jeoloji-muhendisligi-dergisi.295391The slope stability of rock masses which the engineering constructions build on is controlled by ...
In the context of party typologies, it is understood that the NP shows the characteristics of a cadre party according to one approach and the party of individual representation according to another.nlü, MuttakiBilgi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Onay, Muhittin GünePehlivanoglu-Mantas, ElifMartins, FlavioJournal of the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture of Gazi University / Gazi niversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlk Fakültesi Dergisi
Güneydou Anadolu Popülasyonunda Bifid Mandibular Kondil Prevalansnn Konik Inl Bilgisayarl Tomografi ile Deerlendirilmesi: Retrospektif Bir almadoi:10.5336/dentalsci.2021-86715CONE beam computed tomographyMANDIBULAR condyleMAXILLOFACIAL surgeryAGE groups...