IntroductionOur aim was to evaluate the risk of external apical root resorption (EARR) in mesialized mandibular molars due to space closure in patients with unilateral second premolar agenesis. The contralateral side served as the control.MethodsAfter application of eligibility criteria, 25 ...
Disclosed are apparatuses and techniques for distalizing, mesializing and/or expanding teeth in the upper or lower dental arch of a patient's mouth to make room for crowded or protruded teeth located in the anterior arch region to distally and laterally shift into. In some aspects, an ...
Disclosed are apparatuses and techniques for distalizing, mesializing and/or expanding teeth in the upper or lower dental arch of a patient's mouth to make room for crowded or protruded teeth located in the anterior arch region to distally and laterally shift into. In some aspects, an ...
The device should be able to achieve symmetric or asymmetric total mesialization of the mandibular dentition.doi:10.1007/s00056-023-00502-1Wang, XiYang, LeZhu, YelingWang, WeicaiZhou, ChenCao, YangBao, BaichengLi, JiazhiSpringer MedizinJournal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthop...
Introduction: Symmetric transverse expansion is thTonniUnivIngridUnivPaganelliUnivCorradoUnivIannazziUnivAlessandraUnivDalessandriUnivDomenicoUnivCostantinidesUnivFulviaUnivOxfordEuropean journal of orthodontics
Maxillary molar mesialization with the use of palatal mini-implants for direct anchorage in an adolescent patient.A unique clinical challenge presents when dealing with a compromised first permanent molar. A compelling treatment option for consideration is the removal of a nonrestorable first permanent...
Disclosed are apparatuses and techniques for distalizing, mesializing and/or expanding teeth in the upper or lower dental arch of a patient's mouth to make room for crowded or protruded teeth located in the anterior arch region to distally and laterally shift into. In some aspects, an ...
Due to this problem, flexicorticotomy may be considered as an alternative in the mesialization of molars to improve residual bone width and to accelerate orthodontic movement. A 22-year-old female patient underwent extraction of the right mandibular first molar. A flexicorticotomy was performed to ...
Maxillary molar mesialization with palatal mini-implantsdoi:10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.10.004Pratik ChandraRicha DhingraParijat ChakrabortyRagni TandonAmerican Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Methods Mesialization of the mandibular second molar with clear aligner treatment was simulated using the AlGOR Fempro program (ALGOR, Inc, Pa) with 3 different configurations. Results In the transverse direction, the highest rotation occurred in the anatomic pontic model, whereas the lowest rotation...