Furthermore, the method proposed also shares several of the advantages of the finite element method such as: (a) the simplicity of the shape functions in a large part of the domain; (b) C 0 continuity between elements, which allows the treatment of material discontinuities, and (c) ease ...
We now present a new and better EFGM-FEM direct coupling method. 基于广义单元概念,发展了一种无网格-有限元耦合的新方法,即无网格-有限元直接耦合法。 6) EFGM-FEM(finite element method)coupling 无网格-有限元耦合补充资料:弹—塑性有限元法 弹—塑性有限元法 elastic-plastic finite element method ...
Meshless Methodscompletenessfinite element methodfinite volume methodkernel functionsmeshless methodspartition of unityIn mechanics, the eigenvalues are the natural frequencies of the system. The eigenvectors are the natural modes of the system. In vibrational mechanics, it can be useful to compute the ...
However, EFG method was not a "truly" meshless method, since mesh was still used to conduct numerical integration. 但EFG方法需要背景积分网格进行高斯积分,离真正的“无网格”方法还有一定距离。 www.cgejournal.com 2. The coupling meshless method and finite element method for the seepage of the join...
The Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM) presented in this paper combines and extends the best features of the finite element method with the help of meshless formulations based on the Partition of Unity Method. Although an input finite element mesh is used by the pro- posed method, the ...
Introduction Finite difference method (FDM) and finite element method (FEM) rely on a mesh (or stencil) to construct the local approximation of functions and their derivatives for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). A few drawbacks are commonly encountered in these methods: (1) time co...
developed with the use of Maple. Each section serves as a stand-alone description, but it is apparent how each conveniently leads to the other techniques. It is recommended that the reader begin with the finite element method, as this serves as the primary basis for defining the method of ...
A hybrid meshless finite volume method(MFVM) is presented. 从有限体积法基本思想出发,采用移动最小二乘近似方案实现有限体积法与无网格法的结合,从而使有限体法摆脱网格的约束,在此基础上,提出杂交型无网格有限体积法,所谓杂交是指对位移和应力都分别进行独立插值,这样可避免在子域积分过程中被积函数出现形函数...
Meshless/meshfree methodsare attractive alternatives to the finite element method, especially for problems involving material failure, dynamic fracture and fragmentation, large deformations, and complex volumetric domain parametrizations. The smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method (Lucy,1977; Gingold and...
The breakthrough extensions to the theory of external approximations are the basis for the SIMSOLID computational engine. External approximations are a generalization of Finite Element Method (FEM) in terms that: absolutely arbitrary geometrical shapes can be used as “finite elements” ...