方法/步骤 1 在这里就不给出整体的几何结构图了,窥一斑见整体,说说部分的。如下图结构需要将其中间的三角衔接处进行Y型划分,画出的效果如后图所示 2 在三角衔接处添加辅助点,具体可根据自己的几何结构进行点位置的选取 3 由于我的几何结构有多个类似如下图所示的结构,所以在每个三角衔接处均设置有辅助点。
1 【2D结构网格】打开icem,设定工作目录。然后倒入你的几何文件,设定part,建立block,关联点和线,设定网格尺寸,生成网格,转化为非结构网格,导出。2 在此,试了两种方式:一个是没有build topology,另外一个当然是建立了topology后进行的block。没有建立topology的geometry在之前没有关联线的情况下导出网格会出现...
Hi, I've been trying to save my ICEM mesh but when I try to, it says this:'Mesh has uncovered edges. Ansys fluent needs a complete boundary (lines in 2D) or it will give a variety of errors and not read in the mesh! If this was 2D hexa, perhaps your edge
WARNING: Mesh has uncovered edges. ANSYS Fluent needs a complete boundary (lines in 2D) or it will give a variety of errors and not read in the mesh! If this was 2D Hexa, perhaps your edges are not associated with perimeter curves. ...
WARNING: Mesh has uncovered edges. Fluent needs a complete boundary (lines in 2D) or it will ...
"WARNING:mesh has uncovered edges. fluent needs a complete boundary( lines in 2d) or it will give a variety of errors and not read in the mesh. if this was 2D Hexa, perhaps your edges are not associated with perimeter curves".
icem网格复制后转..流场是用icem复制出来的,包括part也复制了,然后output的时候就报错了。如图,请问出现下面这个报错是什么原因呀?Mesh has uncovered edges. ANSYS Fluent
引发的连锁错误:fluent导入失败,无法识别网格,不能计算。 fluent报错: Error: Build Grid: Aborted due to critical error. Error Object: #f The fl process could not be started. 解决方法: 在你处理网格的时候,你可能用到了复制、移动、镜像功能,进行二次处理后的网格会存在交界面,该交界面可能为重叠,或者...
用ansys icem cfd划分好网格保存为fluent文件时出现如下警告:WARNING: Mesh has uncovered edges. Fluent needs a complete boundary (lines in 2D) or it will give a variety of errors and not read in the mesh! If this was 2D Hexa, perhaps your edges are not associated with perimeter curves 然后...