OK A AMALI PROSESLERDE RNEK HACM N N BEL RLENMES üZER NE B R MODEL VE GENET K ALGOR TMALAR YARDIMIYLA ZüM NER SAcceptance SamplingGenetic AlgorithmsMulti-stage ProcessesIn this study, genetic algorithms (GAs) approach was investigated for problems ofacceptance sampling in multistage processes...
phasianus colchicus (also named seven-colours J. phasianus colchicus, one of the oldest wild birds in China known for their preciousness) was obtained for the first time, the mitogenome is 166,786 bp in length, and it harbours 2rRNA genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22tRNA genes, and a...
Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Jianmen-guan phasianus colchicus (Aves, Gallifoemes, phasianidae) and its phylogenetic analysisdoi:10.1080/23802359.2016.1247660PhasianuscolchicusmitochondrialgenomephylogeneticanalysisJianmen-guan phasianus colchicusare one of the most important and be cherished ...