印第安遗址公园 Mesa Verde National Park *点击以缩略图片,查看大图!印第安民族留下的崖居遗迹中,最有名的是印第安遗址公园。崖居,是在悬崖下的大空洞里筑屋而居,少则几间,多则几百间,一个洞就是一个村落。学者们用数遗址木材年轮的办法来计算年代,发现这些旧居在13世纪后叶相当兴盛,但1300年前的几年、十...
Short walks on simple trails take you to the earliest Mesa Top sites and to the magnificent and more adventurous Cliff Palace – the largest and most awe-inspiring cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park. DISCOVER Be a part of it Go Live it and share it - use #MyMesaVerde and you...
Topics: Redshirting; Mesa Verde National Park; to wrap up; to bother versus to interrupt versus to disturb; blind spot Words:to redshirtto count towardkindergartencutoffto hold backpeerprevalencecliffdwellingoutcroppingcaveartifactto wrap upto botherto interruptto disturbblind spot 查看《英语咖啡屋》...
梅萨维德国家公园 1/0 梅萨维德国家公园Mesa Verde National Park 2.3 热度 美国Colorado 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Backside Bistro 西餐 直线距离44.2km Communion Wine Bar 西餐 直线距离15.1km Siam's at the...
Mesa Verde National Park,in Colorado,America,has many "cliff dwellings"— places that are built into the cliffs (悬崖) where people once lived.They look almost impossible to get to.Who lived in them,and why did they live there?People lived there about 800 years ago.Americans call them the...
mesatiskelic Mesa Verde National Park Mesaxonia See all Nearby Words Cite this Entry Style “Mesa Verde National Park.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/Mesa%20Verde%20National%20Park. Accessed 10 Mar. 2025. Copy Citation Share...
Metate Room Restaurant, located in Mesa Verde National Park, received "Award of Culinary Excellence" from the American Culinary Federation Colorado Chefs Association in the area of sustainable cuisine.
National Park Service trains professional guides who make the history of Mesa Verde come alive with captivating storytelling of people who evolved from hunter-gatherers into a culture known for agriculture, intricate artistry, and architecture.
梅萨维德国家公园(Mesa Verde National Park)是北美洲印第安人文化遗迹保留地,坐落在美国科罗拉多州西南部的沙漠和多峡谷的岩石地带,占地 2.01万公顷。1906年辟为国家公园 ,并设立了专门管理机构。公园自然资源包括悬崖、峡谷、沙漠等地形地貌,以及丰富的植被和生物资源。公园内有4400多处房屋遗址,包括悬崖宫等...