1.(Placename) a town in SE Wales, in Merthyr Tydfil county borough: formerly an important centre for the mining industry. Pop: 30 483 (2001) 2.(Placename) a county borough in SE Wales, created from part of N Mid Glamorgan in 1996. Pop: 55 400 (2003 est). Area: 111 sq km (...
Care Homes for Older People - Devon County Council 热度: ACL ACL AdultCommunityLearning MerthyrTydfil .merthyrlearns.co.uk/acl MERTHYRTYDFILCOUNTYBOROUGHCOUNCIL CYNGORBWRDEISTREFSIROLMERTHYRTUDFUL gain new skills meet people be inspired enrol ...
.1.The Merthyr Tydfil Lifelong Learning Campus Project was funded by LCF betweenSeptember 2004 and April 2006 as a research and feasibility study aimed atinvestigating the potential for raising demand and interest in learning and trainingthrough an integrated provision of learning within the Borough....
DO NOT ALLOW THIS INCINERATOR; Council Decides It Is against Unpopular Waste Plant That Firm Wants to Build in Merthyr Tydfil on Health and Future Development Grounds Planning to Crawl Two Miles to Show Their Opposition to the Covanta Waste Incineration * John Archer-Brown and James Joseph, ...
1. (Placename) a town in SE Wales, in Merthyr Tydfil county borough: formerly an important centre for the mining industry. Pop: 30 483 (2001) 2. (Placename) a county borough in SE Wales, created from part of N Mid Glamorgan in 1996. Pop: 55 400 (2003 est). Area: 111 sq km...