: a book of words and their synonyms Etymology from scientific Latin thesaurus "treasury, storehouse, book of words," from Latin thesaurus "treasure, collection," from Greek thēsauros (same meaning) — related to treasure More from Merriam-Webster on thesaurus Thesaurus: All synonyms and ant...
: a book of words and their synonyms Etymology from scientific Latin thesaurus "treasury, storehouse, book of words," from Latin thesaurus "treasure, collection," from Greek thēsauros (same meaning) — related to treasure More from Merriam-Webster on thesaurus Thesaurus: All synonyms and ant...
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While hardly the Oxford English Dictionary, this portable dictionary-thesaurus combination based on Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary should meet the needs of general users. Its features include selected entries integrated with synonyms (and in some cases, with antonyms), usage examples, and infor...
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