Fullstack open source student management system application made with MongoDB, Express, React & Nodejs (MERN) Configuration and Setup Key Features Technologies used Frontend Backend Database 📸 Screenshots Author LicenseConfiguration and SetupIn order to run this project locally, simply fork and clo...
During the MEAN Stack Development Certification Training, the candidate will receive hands-on expertise in the elements of MEAN Stack, learn coding skills in JavaScript, data visualization, source control management and much more. SLA Consultants India is a well-known Non-IT & IT training ...
nodejsreactjsmaterial-uiadmin-dashboardmernstudent-managementclass-managementmern-stackschool-management-systemattendance-trackingperformance-assessment UpdatedMay 8, 2024 JavaScript Express, MySQL, React/Redux, NodeJs Application Boilerplate reactreduxnodejsmysqlboilerplaterestreact-routereslintes6material-uiexpres...
Full-Stack vs MEAN Stack vs MERN Stack: Check out the comparison and advantages of each stack to choose the right technology for your project.
State management with Redux React Hooks, Async/Await & modern practices Create a CRUD Application with MERN Stack Handling Forms JWT Authentication Creating a build script, securing our keys, and deploy to Heroku using Git Full stack web development Mern stack Mern Full Stack React js, and react...
This is a full stack social media application build using React as Front End , Redux as State management , Node JS as run time environment , Express JS as backend framework and Mongo Db as our database. This is course is absolutely not for beginners. ...
EMS-MERN is a full-stack web application that simulates an Employee Management System for, both, the accountant and HR departments. It uses Google Sheets as a database and Google OAuth 2.0 for authentication. It allows users to manage employees, their salaries, bonuses, penalties, and more. ...
The platform is built using the MERN stack, which includes ReactJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, and ExpressJS. Table of Contents Introduction System Architecture API Design Installation Configuration Usage Preview Dependencies Folder Structure Contributing Contact Introduction StudyNotion aims to provide a seamless ...
MediHub - MERN STACK HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Welcome toMediHub: Your All-in-One Hospital Management Solution! MediHub is an open-source web application designed to revolutionize healthcare management. Developed using the powerful MERN stack, it offers seamless management of appointments, patient rec...
CashCow is a dynamic financial management application developed with the MERN stack, featuring a collaborative budgeting system, expense tracking, and a financial literacy portal. Utilizing React.js, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js, D3.js, and Tailwind CSS with PrelineUI, CashCow empowers users ...